Hi. I never really know what exactly to charge for a bank holiday when i dont work them.Most but not all bank hols fall whilst i'm on annual leave, (Xmas, Easter) and i charge half fee for my time off, so should i charge half fee for the bank hols aswell and full fee for any that crop up on someones contracted day and its not my time off work?(such as May bank hols & end of Aug) Need to say that i always charge something for a bh even if i charge at full rate. Before now i have said to parents that i dont work a bank hol but would be prepared to at double the daily or hourly fee. That way i feel i have the right to charge a fee plus most parents get a bank hol off work and payed.Some parents have been fine with full fee and no service available,but others haven't been as ok with it in the past,so i don't really know where the balance is! Hope that all makes sense! Thanks