Hey all.

Im a bit daunted by doing activities for the 6 month old that starts this week. As she is the youngest I've minded so far.

What things would you suggest? And how do you normally manage your day with a baby being around?

It was good on her settling in session - that was only 3 hours though. I sat her on my lap when I was playing with some games with the toddlers and gave her some toys to play with and she liked all the things I gave her as they had lights and were noisey. We read stories and she liked the books a lot. I also have a baby gym and lots of baby toys, I do need to get a bouncer this week. What do you find yourselfs doing with them when you are busy with other things? Carrying them around all the time isnt practical obviously. Im just worried about not doing enough for her while she is here.

I know they like to see themselves im mirrors and using textures etc to help them learn about touch and feel. I know as a parent what to do with them but as a childminder I want to make sure that I am providing enough stimulation.

any help much appreciated
