
I look after 2 cousins aged 22mths and 15mths. The older one a few months ago was constantly biting and hitting. I thought we had sorted it with pulling him away from the situation and then ignoring him for 30 seconds and then telling him he hurt so and so and then letting him go play again as he was too young for time out. This took a while to work but eventually everything was fine again.

Anyway recently it has started up again, especially today it has been really bad so am just after some advice. Today he has constantly hit others, me and my own children, bitten another child which I am not sure if on purpose or not, I tried the 30 seconds time out like I was before when he has been told he has hurt he is just hitting again so don't think I am getting through any more. He has a comforter and when he has been told no he asks for this comforter and I don't allow him to have it but have found out recently that his grandparents allow him to have the comforter while he is on time out and a toy.

I hate it when parents arrive for me to tell them that his behaviour has not been good but I feel they should know as we need to work together but I am with him 4 days a week 9 hours a day so feel that maybe I am the main one to have to discipline him and they do listen to what I have to say but don't think they are following through at home which makes it harder for me. Also feel he is too young for the full time out but maybe I am wrong.

What would others do? I have looked after him since he was 7mths and hate having to tell him off and it breaks my heart but just don't know what to do anymore.

Any advice would be appreciated.

