OK, I understand about Mrs O turning up unannounced and that we should all be up to speed with paperwork, house spotless, children all beaming happily as they do their adult initiated activity -

But -

How would you react if they turned up as you were just going on an outing - would you disappoint the children who were all excited about going?
Or what if you were going out to a Doctors appointment?

What if - like me- you had one who was a nervous wreck in front of new people to the extent that if the visit was planned you would have made sure that that child wasn't there rather than have them traumatised.

My paperwork is in a lockable filing cabinet in the upstairs office, and Yes I could go up and get it but it wouldn't be quick, and if I left something behind I would have to go back up again. Thus taking me away from the children.

Would you ask them to come back another time?

If I knew they were coming I'd get everything into a box ready for them - when the children weren't here, and when I knew we'd be home.

How do you feel about this?