All my children (mindees as well) have a little key chain thing with a laminated card for their details and my details. These get tatty very quickly and I have been thinking about how to resolve this for a while when I had a bit of a light bulb moment.

I was thinking of getting proper key rings (the plastic ones, blank where you put your own piece of paper in) and printing out the children's details on one side, with a picture of me (and husband for our own children) on the back (so if they get lost, whoever is with them knows who to look for) Anyway, this idea grew a bit in to perhaps offering to sell them for parents, they are really cheap to make (in bulk) I worked out I could make them for about 50p and possibly sell them for £1.50. I would be able to advertise them in the local school uniform school and make them to order for other parents.

What do you think? It is really hard to explain it in text LOL, sorry if it makes no sense.