I have a 21month mindee who's is terrified of getting dirty. If he falls over he screams until I wipe his hands. If he kicks the ball onto the flower bed I have to get it for him. He won't play in the sand pit or at the water table. I've tried shaving foam, jelly & gloop. Ive put spades in the shaving foam so he doesn't have to touch it but he won't go anywhere near it. He loves bubbles but has to stand the other side of the garden to watch them. If I even suggest going outside if it has rained he screams. If it looks like its about to rain I close the blinds so he can't see it. Otherwise getting him out to do the school run is nearly impossible.
We can't go to the park because the swings are dirty. He just sits in the pushchair crying until we go home.
Someone give me suggestions. I've run out of ideas