My friend uses a local lady as a daily nanny, she is really lovely and we have got to know each other quite well at toddlers etc

Anyway lady is off to a wedding today so i am taking youngest child (he will be 3 in July). I have minded A and his older sisters a few times over last 3 yrs and mummy is quite difficult at times

Late last night i got a text from mummy saying not to let A sleep today, not even for 5mins as nanny had let him sleep 30mins and he was still up at 10pm and wouldnt go to bed. I was advised to 'keep him away from any sofas' and she was very very angry with nanny

I text back that in 34 yrs i had never learnt how to keep a tired child awake plus it wouldnt be allowed by social services (i'm in northern ireland). I offered to do my best to keep him occupied but couldnt prevent him from falling asleep.

So just wondered do any other minders have this problem? And if so, how do you keep a tired 2yr old awake? I was gonna suggest throwing a bucket of cold water over him if he climbs on sofa n falls asleep