Ladies, I'm disappointed :-(
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  1. #1
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    Default Ladies, I'm disappointed :-(

    I have never been a jealous type person, however, I have noticed over recent months that it must be an underlying trait I've just never noticed before.

    So far I'm disappointed to learn I now, thanks to members of this forum, have:

    Garden jealousy
    Playroom jealousy (several)
    and Conservatory jealousy (again, several)

    Note to self 'Don't look at the pictures!'

  2. #2
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    Playroom jealousy keeps me up at night

  3. #3
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    Im glad im not the only one! *blush*

  4. #4
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    dont feel jealous these things come at a price the more space the longer it takes to clear up the more boxes you have to go through and clean and check toys some of us childminder with big space even become hoarders of toys and have far to many for the children to play with and my friend who has a smaller setting rotats her toy boxes once a week and the children feel like they have new toys to play with so that is a plus side to a smaller setting and having a larger garden takes a lot of time and care and i now have a gardener to maintain it for me as it got to much for me lol its times like this i miss not having hubby around as he used to fix everything but then if he was still around i dont think he would have let me turn my house in to a nursery and not a home lol

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    Can I add to that a feeling of inadequacy Kiddleywinks for me i mean?

    I often look at posts or pictures of things people have done, where they go, what they say and often feel inadequate
    I also think to myself why didn't I say that or think of that

    Just the way it is I guess I'll get over it

  6. #6
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    but hey girls this is why this forum is here to give us ideas help us through our dark times and problems and give us insperation and ideas to carry on we are all good childminder wether we have a big setting or a small setting and a good start to being a good childminder is we are all on here asking questions and helping each other xxxxx this site is full of info ive been childminding 17 years and i still have to ask questions now and again

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    I agree Karenandsmile I was just expressing a thought I do feel those things but agree doesn't matter what you have its how you use it

    I also have a huge garden and although it is lovely for the children and my pets I detest gardening and sometimes look at it with despair thinking of all the work I should be doing out there. Looks better with snow on it though hides all the weeds

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    Quote Originally Posted by Daisy De View Post
    I agree Karenandsmile I was just expressing a thought I do feel those things but agree doesn't matter what you have its how you use it

    I also have a huge garden and although it is lovely for the children and my pets I detest gardening and sometimes look at it with despair thinking of all the work I should be doing out there. Looks better with snow on it though hides all the weeds
    i too have a huge garden and a total disinterest in doing anything to it! ( apart from filling it with toys! )

    i used to use my conservatory as a playroom and it is was always either too cold or too hot and no room for storage as 3 sides were glass! 4'th side had big sliding doors! although, now we don't use conservatory at all !!!!

    i do like being able to shut my playroom door on the mess, but then its still all there the next week !!!

    i read what amazing things people do and think ' sounds wonderful ' but i somehow never seem to have time to fit it all in!

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    I just like being nosey
    x helen

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    i love my gardener hes a retired bloke who comes round on his push bike and keeps the garden tidy and safe if a fence pannel breaks he fixes it if the felt comes of the roof of the sheds he fixes it he is a god send and charges me £10 an hour my last gardener just mowed the lawn and vanished which cost me £20 for the please where as this one maintains anything in my garden hes brilliant

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    Quote Originally Posted by migimoo View Post
    Playroom jealousy keeps me up at night
    Snap! But I need to get over it quick because it's starting to cause tension between hubby and I!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Daisy De View Post
    Can I add to that a feeling of inadequacy Kiddleywinks for me i mean?

    I often look at posts or pictures of things people have done, where they go, what they say and often feel inadequate
    I also think to myself why didn't I say that or think of that

    Just the way it is I guess I'll get over it
    Please dont ever feel inadequate! Gosh, we are all on here to get ideas, tips and advice and thats how we learn. I often see posts from members who have been on here and childminding for years and they still ask questions and ask advice. I do understand what you mean though, the times Ive sat wondering what to do about something then someone on here comes up with a great idea and like you I hear myself saying "now why didnt I think of that!"
    If all else fails......add glitter!

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    Quote Originally Posted by karenandsmile View Post
    i love my gardener hes a retired bloke who comes round on his push bike and keeps the garden tidy and safe if a fence pannel breaks he fixes it if the felt comes of the roof of the sheds he fixes it he is a god send and charges me £10 an hour my last gardener just mowed the lawn and vanished which cost me £20 for the please where as this one maintains anything in my garden hes brilliant
    I have gardener envy now

    I have had several gardeners over the years, it sounds posh I know but I considered it almost a necessity. Some good some bad but they just don't seem to hang around, firm goes bust or they decide to try a different career. (I don't think its me) Have always thought I needed a nice little retired man who could potter about and keep garden under control, I mow it so he wouldn't even need to do that. Is there a shop full of little retired men who need to keep active or could I borrow yours alternative weeks?

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    Quote Originally Posted by karenandsmile View Post
    dont feel jealous these things come at a price the more space the longer it takes to clear up the more boxes you have to go through and clean and check toys some of us childminder with big space even become hoarders of toys and have far to many for the children to play with and my friend who has a smaller setting rotats her toy boxes once a week and the children feel like they have new toys to play with so that is a plus side to a smaller setting and having a larger garden takes a lot of time and care and i now have a gardener to maintain it for me as it got to much for me lol its times like this i miss not having hubby around as he used to fix everything but then if he was still around i dont think he would have let me turn my house in to a nursery and not a home lol
    I agree with this totally..... I turned my dinning room into a playroom, bought lots of storage and put up posters ect to make it into a child friendly room, I have sooo many toys and I seem to spend most of my time tidying up after the lo's. Because they can see everything they want to get things out all of the time instead of playing with what they have out.

    My living room opens onto the play room and the lo's use both rooms to push the prams ect.... So both rooms are messy with toys not just the playroom. I have now decided to claim my dinning room back. I am having a new kitchen and I have decided to knock the wall down and have a large kitchen dinner.

    I am having a cull of the toys and have sold lots on EBay or given them to charity, I am having the rest stored out side or in the garage and I am taking all the posters ect down and will just have a notice board to pin up the art work before it gets sent home.

    The lo's I have are very comfortable here and don't need it to look like a nursery, they play better when I shut the playroom door and they have selected toys in the living room.
    They will still have all the same activities, craft sessions ect... More space because the toys will be else where but i will have my home back.

    I wii still keep the garden as it is, full of swings, slides and trampolines ect but I can not wait to get my home back.
    Jane xxx

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    I feel very inadequate. I have a very small kitchen and a good sized lounge, no play room or conservatory. I have a fold own table where children can eat or as they prefer sit on cushions and eat at a large coffee table. I have a toy kitchen plus other toys in lounge, toys stored Iain pouffee in lounge and a large toy box with others on landing to get out as and when. My garden is quite small but has artificial turf ( my one big favourite as no mud). I have an electric awning that I can just put out to create an undercover play area, climbing cube with slide, serperate slide, sand table, trampoline, wooden playhouse and selection of trikes and scooters. So at the end of each day majority of toys are put away and children's work is displayed on a door in my hallway. I would love a larger kitchen or conservatory/extension but do not have the space.
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    I have playroom envy sometimes I get sick of living lo my office/workplace/dining room :-D

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    I love looking at what everyone else does or has because it gives me ideas I couldnt come up with myself. Hope nothing has a copyright ha ha. I am slightly envious at conservatories and gardens though. Envy doesnt sound as bad as jealousy lol
    Julie X X

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    I have a conservatory which was originally built to be our dining room with tiled floor and double doors into the kitchen.
    Now it's my playroom with cheap carpet and walls covered in posters. The lovely double doors are locked and toy boxes stacked three high against it. My big dining table swapped for smaller one to make room for toys.
    It's not easy to keep clean as toys get everywhere.
    I've become a hoarder of craft items and toys and feel like i need a shed to store things as the lo floor space is being taken away with toy boxes some duplicate toys from when I had two lo very similar ages. I read the post "going toy free" with interest and set up a master plan
    I'm in the process of clearing out in order to gain more floor space and re-open the double doors.
    I have started to use the loft and put a bag of unused toys up yesterday but best of all I have started to become less attached to the toys especially the ones my own ds had when he was little.



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