How do you all manage to provide continuous provision?
I'm lucky enough to have a dedicated conservatory as our playroom, therefore it is kitted out with trofast and malm shelving storage. It enables great c.p to cover all areas. I'm just finding my f/t lo's all around 24mths, just tip it out and stand on most of it while I'm picking back up around them before items are getting broken (which a lot are). I also find they are not interested in any planned activities and wander off to 'play' doing as I've said above.
I've scaled down some c.p resources but unless I completely change my storage system (which I cannot afford to do) I'm not sure how to break their routine. It makes my planning look unfulfilled, activities/resources are being wasted etc.. On the other hand I don't want a sparse playroom as it is one of my selling points
How do you all get a good balance?? I'd like to try and crack it before half term?!