I was on here last week as I have a 14mth old that ***** mind and was thinking of giving notice because the child screams for everything. In the end I changed my mind and decided to leave it until after half term and see if things are any better. Basically I have another lo that I look after and have done since July who is 10mths old and the last couple of days he has been doing a high pitched scream. I noticed a couple of days ago and his mum mentioned it this morning. I have been thinking and could he be copying the other ones behaviour? If so what do I do now? I can't have the both of them screaming and do I give notice due to the other one for being a bad influence!! I don't know what to do as things were getting better with the older one but the last few days he has got worse again. I know sometimes he screams because he is frustrated being in the high chair while I put dinner on but I make sure that its only a few minutes. Another childminder told me I should leave him playing when I prepare dinner but I don't feel comfortable with that as I can not see him from where I am.

Advice please

