I have been coming on this forum for years and i KNOW that none of you would have push Pauline, talk to her or about her the way you spoke about Richard.
and I KNOW that Pauline wouldn't have tolerated the threads before and I'm pretty sure some threads had been cancelled in the past for the same reason.

Being the owner doesn't mean that he can get abuse, attacked critized...left right and center and just take it.

It is our forum to enjoy, our place to relax, unload our bad days, share our best moment BUT it's also HIS money, HIS time which make it possible.

the change of a logo and it's betrayal... REALLY?
being the owner of something else and having money makes it a conspiracy... REALLY?

the man is not as sweet spoken and tactful than Pauline so is attacking REALLY??

Ladies gents i think this mad witch hunt has to stop, those thread about leaving are just like venom in the place you used to enjoy most

i'm dreading login in as I'm sure Pauline must be a bit disappointed of the behaviour. she sold a business she was proud of, a great community and now we watching teenagers rebelling against change and authority...

it's sad people, come on shake it off!!!!

or it's the naughty step