I wrote a lovely letter introducing myself to a nursery I take to a collect child from introducing myself and asking about how they see we could work in partnership etc. That was last month. Today I had a verbal message from the nursery passed by the parent saying ' They must treat everybody the same so all the information they can give me is in school newsletter (which is very generic) and nobody else has ever asked about sharing'. Where is the unique child in all this? How about settings MUST share information? I want to write another letter explaining how I see this is not sufficient without sounding snotty. I successfully share with other settings so can't see why they have a problem with this. Is there like a simple form you use when sharing information? So far (with other settings) I have shared individual plans and I got the same back plus any relevant newsletters. I share a daily diary with one nursery but the child is little. This child is 3.5 so I have a whole school year ahead of me. Maybe they need a bit of guidance but I just don't know how to guide them myself.