Administration charge for filling paperwork etc (us)
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  1. #1
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    Default Administration charge for filling paperwork etc (us)


    I am in the process of amending my fees policy and want to include a paragraph about an administration fee if they require copies of invoices, receipts, contracts or for me to complete any form of paperwork for them. How would you word this and anyone who does this what do you charge £25 ? £50

    I email all invoices and staple all receipts to there daily dairy’s etc so no excuse to lose really.

    Thank you for any help

  2. #2
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    Sorry, can’t help I just do it and don’t charge.I think there are some people who do charge, but I don’t even though it can be very annoying.

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  4. #3
    Join Date
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    If I was asked, I'd just email the invoice to them again. Contracts and receipts I'd photograph and email the photo. So no cost and no paperwork. But if you have had a bad experience or feel this is something that is going to be a problem then yes, £25 sounds plenty.

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Administration charge for filling paperwork etc (us) Administration charge for filling paperwork etc (us) Administration charge for filling paperwork etc (us)

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