Just wondering how any of you would charge for school nursery wraparound if child arrives 7.45, dropped by me at nursery for 9 till 12, then with me until mum collects at 5.45? It seems the 'norm' would be to charge in full ( I charge by the hour, and don't offer funded hours) for the 3 hours the child is in nursery as I'd be dropping and picking up, but as I don't want to be 'on call' for those hours as the child's emergency contact, I'm not sure how best to approach this.
Parent wants holiday care too, so I'm debating whether to charge half fee for the 3 nursery hours in term time ,then full fee at normal hourly rate in the hols; the half fee that is paid during term time thereby securing her place in holidays/half terms.
My inclination is simply to charge my normal fee only when the child is present, but given the (earlier than my usual) start time and the disruption to other children ( 3 school runs a day when collecting older after schoolies) makes me wonder if I should have a re think, and perhaps charge a higher hourly fee on the wraparound days?
I'd be really interested to hear if anyone's had the same dilemma before I drive myself mad thinking about all the variables....thank you!