Hi all, I am in the process of registering to be a childminder but was wondering if I can ask you about this situation I am in with my son's now ex childminder please?

I was looking for a childminder in August and spoke to this lady (I found her on childcare.co.uk) and we discussed the 30 hours a week (my soni is 3 and entitled to it and I gave her the code) and we agreed that I would pay the difference between what the council pays (£4.50)and her fees (£6.50). She asked me to pay the total to her and she would reimburse what the council paid her to me. I paid her in full for September and October and my son wasn't happy there and cried every day asking not to go there so I handed notice in beginning of October and my son finished there after a month. I also paid her £200 deposit when my son first started there.

Now it seems that she didn't sign up to the council for the 30 hours (or so she has told me) and at the end of the October I emailed her with my bank details to refund the deposit and no word from her 2 weeks later. What should I do, any recommendations please?
