Now i dont know really where to start but ill try and make it short as possible this is the only place where i can turn to.

I signed a new contract starting the 19th March on which i told the parent i had booked holiday with my other parents for the 11th and 12th of April,On my contract it is 4 weeks notice but i told them straight away to which they said i hadnt given them 4 weeks notice as the contract hadnt started, So i agreed half fees just to keep my mind clear and not get of on the wrong foot, Which they happily agreed to.

Anyway to keep the story short everything was going fine the kids loved coming to mine and the parents was very happy untill last week wednesday to which she said when she collected the kids she wanted to hand in her notice and it was nothing to do with me as the kids was so happy with me !!! and said that is fine if she could give me written confirmation thats fine 4 weeks notice, Thursday and Friday i had really bad flu so didnt work then on sunday at 9.40PM she sent me an email saying she was ending the contract because of 'unreliability' and she needed to come to me at 6 on monday evening to collect the kids things !!!!!!!!! to which i sent a nice email explaining thats fine but 4 weeks notice as per contract was needed plus 4 weeks money - her deposit was due and i would do an invoice and give it to her when she comes.

Monday comes i wait until gone 7 for her to come but she desides to come at 7.30PM !!!! when i was in the bath and relaxed and not ready for this fight.
I was nice handed her the kids things and her recipt for last week and my invoice to which she replyed in wasnt getting a penny of her and she wanted her £215 deposit back plus her half fees she paid for my holiday as she has spoken to NCMA and she is in right as she was never happy with my service and that she asked for refrences and never got them of me (well for one i had her children for over a montha and not once did she ever ask for a refrence and wouldnt u really want the refrence before i started the contract) anyway it gets worse she then said she was alos reporting me to Ofsted as SHE PAID SOMEONE TO FOLLOW ME WHILE I HAD HER KIDS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i went to loads of diffrent houses that i shouldnt be going to and that her childrens welfere was at risk !!!!!!!!!!! (how much more can this women lie about )

I now really dont want to carry on childmidning this women has came in to my house infront of my son and really has made me think can i really handle some parents in this buisness.
I just wanted some advice from all the fellow childminders as i dont know where to turn or what to do.