This is what I have so far - I know some things can fit into more than one area of learning but if you think I could add more please suggest!!

Communication, Language and Literacy

12 books based around winter ie The Mitten, Snow Friends, Snowball etc
Poems - Mittens for snow time, Winter Theme Poem, Once there was a Snowman, A chubby snowman
Talking about the changes in weather using pictures

Personal, social and emotional development

Using group activities such as painting, reading, talking etc to share, take turns and learning to express feelings etc

Physical Development

Penguin bowling set
Pass the ice cube (same as pass the parcel!)
Songs to music - Mitten Song, Snow Song, Mittens on My hand, Sing a Song of Winter, Five Little Snowmen
Pin the nose on the snowman

Early Mathematical, Science and Technology Experiences

Winter Puzzles including Postman Pat
Winter lotto matching shapes and figures
Using snowflake pictures counting points

Creative and Aesthetic Development

Using winter clothes learning how to dress appropriately
Igloo tent, sleeping bags, cooking stove, saucepan for role play
Using playdough to make hand prints, snowballs, snowmen
Making clay mitten pieces, snowmen baking activity
Making mitten shapes, snowmen shapes, snowflake shapes with arts and crafts materials
Painting using bell peppers, forks and white paint to create icicles

Knowledge and Understanding of the Environment

Caring for birds by preparing feeders and using pine cones rolled in peanut butter
Talking about winter weather
Using soft toys to discuss how animals cope with cold weather