Bonfire Night Ideas - Linked to EYFS
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    Default Bonfire Night Ideas - Linked to EYFS

    Personal, Social and Emotional Development

    Make a "bonfire" with different foods
    Use different coloured veg - cabbage - carrots - red apple peel and red peppers or whatever you have
    Use celery sticks to build up a fire - break them and stand / support them onto each other
    Pile the veg around it to make it look like a " fire "

    Ask children to close their eyes and imagine they can see and hear fireworks in the dark sky above them. What feelings do they have?
    Collect together all the words that children associate with their
    experiences of fireworks and build up a ‘thought web’ and display all the new words that they learn

    Bonfire night provides a good talking point to reinforce the importance of fire safety. Let your children help you to test your smoke alarms around the home and explain how important it is that they are working. Children love pressing the button and hearing the piercing noise!

    Problem solving, Reasoning and Numeracy

    Cook some sausages and Jacket Potatoes
    Count the sausages and sing the song " Five Fat Sausages "

    Five fat sausages sizzling in a pan
    one went pop the other went bang.

    Four fat sausages sizzling in a pan
    one went pop the other went bang.

    Three fat sausages sizzling in a pan
    one went pop the other went bang.

    Two fat sausages sizzling in a pan
    one went pop the other went bang.

    One fat sausage sizzling in a pan
    one went pop the other went bang.

    No fat sausages sizzling in a pan.

    Make a counting book using different fireworks - catherine wheels - rockets etc make it colourful and fun

    Physical Development

    Help the children to create different movements
    Crouch down and pretend to be flames to music
    Jump up in the air and around the room
    Pretend to be sparklers and rockets and make loud noises and banging sounds

    Creative Development

    Make a guy with the children
    Collect old clothes and make it together
    Explain how children used to go around singing " penny for the guy " and how adults used to give them money

    Or toast marshmallows on sticks and cook some bonfire foods

    Make some treacle toffee

    Treacle Toffee.

    You will need: 1 lb. (450g) of Demerara sugar,
    3 oz. (75g) butter,
    4 oz. (125g) golden syrup
    4 oz. (125g) black treacle
    quarter tsp. cream of tartar and a quarter of a pint (150ml) of water.

    Start by buttering an oblong tin measuring about 30cm x 10cm x 2.5cm.

    Children enjoy greasing tins! Pour the water into a saucepan and warm over a low heat adding the sugar and stir it until it dissolves. Add the remaining ingredients and bring to the boil without stirring – please make sure the children keep well away for this bit and don’t try to touch or taste it, sugar burns are nasty.

    Pour the mixture into the buttered tin and stand for about 5 minutes. Mark into squares with a buttered knife then leave to set before breaking up and eating!

    Communication,language and literacy

    Encourage children to learn new rhymes about bonfire night

    Remember, remember, the fifth of November,
    Gunpowder, treason and plot.
    I see no reason why gunpowder treason
    Should ever be forgot!
    Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes,
    ‘Twas his intent
    To blow up the King and Parliament.
    Three score barrels of powder below,
    Poor old England to overthrow.
    By God’s providence he was catched
    With a dark lantern and burning match.

    Read some stories and explain what bonfire night is
    Get the children to write a story about bonfire night and fireworks, and about the sounds that they might hear

    Play some games

    Knowledge and understanding of the world

    Learn new words and shapes

    Make a firework picture with twigs for the fire and glitter for the fireworks.
    Make a rocket - Rockets can be made from cardboard tubes covered in paper and then decorated. Paper cones can be made for the tops of the rockets. Add different coloured streamers at the end to look like like flames

    Or make a picture using .....

    A large sheet of black cardboard
    Scraps of coloured paper and card

    Cardboard tubes (kitchen roll etc)
    Small sheets of coloured cardboard

    Glue and scissors
    Clear or black thread

    A selection of sparkly things! (e.g. metallic pens, scraps of tinsel, glitter, bright pipe cleaners, sparkly paints)

    Then make lots of swirls and shapes - let the kids have fun

    Make some rockets

    Teach children how rockets change and what they do when you light them.
    Explain about the colours and the noise
    Explain about safety.
    Explain why how bonfire night tell the story

    Last edited by angeldelight; 30-10-2008 at 07:15 AM.



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