Stuck with an observation
I'm stuck as to what to link an observation to.
Basically a little one has issues with colours and gets them mixed up, or just keeps saying colours until she gets the right one.
For my logo I have coloured handprints which I have on the back of my work uniform. She picked a hand and said it was the same colour as an object nearby, she then did this for every colour on my top. All of this she did correctly obviously.
I'm just having trouble as to what part of the EYFS Framework I add it to? Somethings I've seen are understanding the world, others day Exploring and Using Media and Materials.
EYFS/EYO/Development Matter is not a tick list and there are hundreds of things not listed. It is just a guide to what they might do at certain stages. Obs do not need to be linked to anything- you can use your professional judgement to say if an obs is indicating the child is at, or behind/ahead, of their age/stage based on what you see.
But, if you really want to link naming/matching colours, there is 'Beginning to categorise objects according to properties such as shape or size' in Shape, space and measure 22-36mth, which is similar.
There is nothing I know of that literally says 'naming/matching colours'. If she named the colours you could link to Speaking in some way. There are things in EAD about 'explores colours...'.
I guess although parents seem to think it is a big deal ('my little darling knows all her colours!') developmentally it is not such an important mile stone.
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I have seen this come up so many times. I wonder why naming/matching colours isn't mentioned or included as part of a bigger learning objective/goal.
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