Variations for cm's working together
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  1. #1
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    Default Variations for cm's working together

    HELP PLEASE! I am so confused!

    I've gone on the link Sarah put on about the changes to the EYFS and I'm specifically looking at paragraph 3.42, which I think has greatly cleared up ratio's for cm's working on their own - however not for cm's working together. Me and my Mum work togetehr at her house and so we have always been allowed 6 children under the age of 5. However, we have 2 mums who are both pregnant (one heavily, one newly), one Mum who wants to increse her hours in Sept due to the 30 hours funding and we also have my own 2 year old son, who we have always included in our numbers. Since we work together, can we give ourselves a variation, if agreed to by all the parents and we can prove it will not affect the quality of care - we will still deliver the same care and attention to all children, maintain the same level of teaching and education, all children will still be on Tapestry, we will still go to the park, still be members at the local zoo, still go to the local toddler group, still go in the garden etc etc etc. I am not saying we will be asking to have 9 or 10 children everyday, as we don't have anyone full time, it will just be 7 children some days, one of which is my own son - and it is ONLY TO OFFER CONTINUITY OF CARE, NOT TO EXTEND OUR BUISNESS.

    3.42. If a childminder can demonstrate to parents and/or carers and Ofsted inspectors
    or their childminder agency that the individual needs of all the children are being
    met, exceptions to the usual ratios can be made, for example, when childminders
    are caring for sibling babies, or when caring for their own baby, or to maintain
    continuity of care. If children aged four and five only attend the childminding
    setting before and/or after a normal school day, and/or during school holidays,
    they may be cared for at the same time as three other young children. But in all
    circumstances, the total number of children under the age of eight being cared for
    must not exceed six.

  2. #2
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    If your mum is just an assistant then she can never exceed ratios.

    If its for a mum because of a new baby then yes you as the childminder can go to 4 under 5 under continuity of care.

    However you have to make sure that you still have enough space (found in the eyfs) also a lot of local authorites require planning permission if you go over 6 so that might be something you need to consider too
    When someone tells you nothing is impossible, tell them to go slam a revolving door

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    Hi, nope not an assistant, we are both OfSTED registered cm's but we work together at her house, so was looking for clarfication in this situation. I'll look into what our LA say about going over 6 children, but what do OfSTED say about it? Thanks.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by jennyandchris View Post
    Hi, nope not an assistant, we are both OfSTED registered cm's but we work together at her house, so was looking for clarfication in this situation. I'll look into what our LA say about going over 6 children, but what do OfSTED say about it? Thanks.
    Ofsted only judge you on how you are managing the variation not whether you can or can't increase your numbers
    When someone tells you nothing is impossible, tell them to go slam a revolving door

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    Quote Originally Posted by FussyElmo View Post
    Ofsted only judge you on how you are managing the variation not whether you can or can't increase your numbers
    Obviously this doesnt mean you can take on 14 children you do still have to follow the requirements set out in the EYFS
    When someone tells you nothing is impossible, tell them to go slam a revolving door

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    That's brilliant. Thank you for clearing this up for me and your help.



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