Dm and eyo confusion
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  1. #1
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    Default Dm and eyo confusion

    hi im sorry if this has been discussed but I am sooo utterly confused. When I am doing obsevations and learning journals I have been using the development matters sections to the ages, to see where they are and how to move them forward. I have read the new updated version of the eyfs 2014 and can now see there are eyo 's . They seem so simple and knowhere near as detailed as the dm . Should i now just use the eyo to write where a child is or do i still have to do the dm. My head is now battered and i am now just so confuded I cant move forward. Please can someone explain in simple terms what is required before I loses the will. Thank you in advance xx

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    Quote Originally Posted by orangecount View Post
    hi im sorry if this has been discussed but I am sooo utterly confused. When I am doing obsevations and learning journals I have been using the development matters sections to the ages, to see where they are and how to move them forward. I have read the new updated version of the eyfs 2014 and can now see there are eyo 's . They seem so simple and knowhere near as detailed as the dm . Should i now just use the eyo to write where a child is or do i still have to do the dm. My head is now battered and i am now just so confuded I cant move forward. Please can someone explain in simple terms what is required before I loses the will. Thank you in advance xx
    Inspectors are expecting us to use EYO so use this for observations and assessments. Remember children don't have to be able to demonstrate every statement and EYO should not be used as a tick list. Observations need only state the area of development-you don't need to link to a specific statement as, most likely, your observation won't be there exactly. Use the statements to assess where each child is in their development when you do your summary assessments.

    DM statements are very similar to EYO but can be used to help with planning and characteristics of effective learning.

    Hope that helps

  3. #3
    Simona Guest


    Providers are free to use DM or is our choice...there is no request to use EYO only or DM only and this has been confirmed by Ofsted....BUT...inspectors themselves must look at EYO not DM when looking at outcomes

    DM guide us as they are much more detailed on child development
    EYO can be used to look at outcomes...they are the final targets if you want to put it that way.

    providers can also use an alternative to DM or EYO if that is what they want to do....many use DM to plan and then look at EYO to see if the learning is achieved or to tweak their planning.

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    You don't have to use either, neither are compulsory part if eyfs. You have to track the children's development which documentation you use to help you is entirely up to you, I really like using Mary Sheridan.

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    Quote Originally Posted by blue bear View Post
    You don't have to use either, neither are compulsory part if eyfs. You have to track the children's development which documentation you use to help you is entirely up to you, I really like using Mary Sheridan.
    I love Mary Sheridan :-) must buy a new copy ... mine is falling apart now!

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    Quote Originally Posted by blue bear View Post
    You don't have to use either, neither are compulsory part if eyfs. You have to track the children's development which documentation you use to help you is entirely up to you, I really like using Mary Sheridan.
    Sounds interesting! Are there huge differences between this and the EYO?

  7. #7
    Simona Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by blue bear View Post
    You don't have to use either, neither are compulsory part if eyfs. You have to track the children's development which documentation you use to help you is entirely up to you, I really like using Mary Sheridan.
    Good reinforcement Blue you also say we can use what we like and I still have the email from Ofsted's officer saying that too.

    For those interested in Mary Sheridan is a link to her books
    You can also look at Tina Bruce

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    Thank you very much everyone. All your comments have really helped.I feel ok about it all now and can now just get on with out having to keep dithering .x thank you for your time xx



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