Variations and the revised EYFS
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  1. #41
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    Thankyou Sarah will look into planning permission would only have 7 for 1 hour togeather on the monday thankyou FussyElmo for help as well xx

  2. #42
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    Default Ratio's

    Hi all I'm new to childminding and really need help, I have twins aged 4, they start full time school in September and by the end of September they will be 5, I have just had baby 6mths sign up for nearly full time and a child the same age as the twins for a couple of nights after school, can I get a variation as the twins and the other boy will be in full time school to enable me to take another couple of pre schoolers on?

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by critch View Post
    Hi all I'm new to childminding and really need help, I have twins aged 4, they start full time school in September and by the end of September they will be 5, I have just had baby 6mths sign up for nearly full time and a child the same age as the twins for a couple of nights after school, can I get a variation as the twins and the other boy will be in full time school to enable me to take another couple of pre schoolers on?
    You don't get a variation any more - you look at the wording in the Eyfs and factsheet and you decide whether you can care for more children.

    Once a child is in full time, 10 sessions a week school you can take on more children in the early years. You cannot have more than 6 under 8 at any time.

    Hope this helps

  4. #44
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    Thanks Sarah, I did think I had read it right but its so confusing you doubt yourself!

  5. #45
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    No matter how much I read about the ratios and variations, I still don't really get it!

    At the moment, I mind brother and sister (9yr and 6yr) and 2 sisters (8yr and 4yr), as well as my own 19month old.
    So my ratios are fine now.

    The 4yr old is starting reception in September - currently she is in my under 5, but from September does she move into the over 5?
    If so, does that mean that I will have space for 2 new children under 5?

    I have had a query from a parent who has a 2yr old and 4yr old, but as above the 4yr old starts school in September and would only need care during the holidays. If I take on these children, are they both in the under 5, or is the 4yr old actually in the over 5? Or will I have to say no as I would have 4 in the under 5?

    So confused

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by laurajane7 View Post
    No matter how much I read about the ratios and variations, I still don't really get it!

    At the moment, I mind brother and sister (9yr and 6yr) and 2 sisters (8yr and 4yr), as well as my own 19month old.
    So my ratios are fine now.

    The 4yr old is starting reception in September - currently she is in my under 5, but from September does she move into the over 5?
    If so, does that mean that I will have space for 2 new children under 5?

    I have had a query from a parent who has a 2yr old and 4yr old, but as above the 4yr old starts school in September and would only need care during the holidays. If I take on these children, are they both in the under 5, or is the 4yr old actually in the over 5? Or will I have to say no as I would have 4 in the under 5?

    So confused
    I got a bit lost but if a child is in full time, 10 sessions a week, education then they can be classed as out of your early years numbers (referred to as a 'rising 5' year old)

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  8. #47
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    Thanks Rick

    Just to clarify, do children automatically become a rising 5, or is that only if I get an enquiry to take on more children.
    Also, does that also mean that the EYFS no longer applies in terms of what I need to plan, observe and record? Or would I still have to do all of this until they start Y1 at school?

    Sorry for all the questions!!

  9. #48
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    Once a child is in FULL TIME education they become rising 5 and no longer in your EYFS ratios. Just need to keep an eye on your under 8 numbers when taking on new LO.

  10. #49
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    Default own variation in numbers

    Quote Originally Posted by sarah707 View Post
    Current variations continue until you no longer need them.

    Any new variations will then need to be considered on their own merits
    Hiya would you beable to answer this question. If I had a 14mths and a nearly 3 (own children) and a parent with a 18mths old and a 4 yr old in april, would I beable to take them on as they are sibling, I thought I read somewhere about taking siblings on and not have them split up within childcare.

    Regards tracey

  11. #50
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    You do not have 2 vacancies so no you cannot take on these 2 you cannot do a variation for new business, you can only take 1 under 5.

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