Hi, I'm Liz,
I'm an OFSTED registered childminder, got Good on my last inspection, Mmeber of NCMA, and 2 local childminding groups (secretary of one).
Completed courses in First Aid, Safeguarding Children, Introduction to Childcare Practice (home based), Epi-pen training, EFYS and Fire Safety.

I've been childminding for a year, Live with my husband and 2 children, (nearly 6 years and nearly 2 years) and 2 friendly cats.

I have 2 part time spaces for under 5's and 2 part time for over 5's, but from 28th April, will have 1 full time for under 5's, plus 1 part time and 2 part time for over 5's.

Can do term time, school hols, saturdays as needed.
Please message me for more details