Has anyone else heard about this or had the chance to become involved?

It is a Welsh Government funded scheme and will work in a similar way to the current Healthy Schools scheme. Apparently 99% of schools across the country are signed up to the scheme so it is pretty widespread. It has been recognised as a successful scheme and now the WG are rolling it out to the pre-school sector. Again it will be dependant on the way each LA deals with childminders. Some LA's fully embrace the important role childminders play in the sector and some don't. This is a constant uphill battle which is always being fought by NCMA Cymru.

I am currently piloting the scheme for my LA and I am really enjoying it. It is evidence based so most of the time it is me collating evidence which I already have and putting together in an evidence folder. There are some bits of my practice that it has made me think about so it is a great tool for reflection on your setting.

If you get the chance to become part of the scheme then I would say it is definitely worth it