19 August 2012!
19 August 2012!
May 14th 2012
April 23 2012
Miffy xx
Keep smiling!
June the 4th for me
I'll say 20th may 2012
15 th may 2012
We had 19 new members yesterday, all real people, no spammers
Pauline x
I say the 9th June my daugthers birthday x x
Lorraine xx
I am going for June 15th... Have no Idea why but that is the date that popped in my head.
20th May my DD birthday
12th July
8th April DD's Birthday
October 21st 2012
17th March 2012
I am going to close this thread at 4 pm so any last dates need to be put in before then.
We will then sit and await our 17,000th member and see who was the nearest, they will win the prize.
Pauline x