Christmas ideas

Hand and footprint Rudolph from Kazzy –

Christmas website from Miffy -

Letter from Santa from Caroline -

Advent calendars to make from Monkey -

Fun in the snow activity from Amanda – Good for: creativity, gross motor activity
Empty clean squeeze bottle from household cleaners (with the trigger handle) or a plant mister
Package of food colouring
Preparation - plan for between one to three colours. You will need one bottle for each colour.

Idea(s) - Squeeze some drops of food coloring into one of the squeeze bottles.
Food colours can be combined to make other colours.
Start with 15 or so drops.
Test to see the strength of color by filling 1/3 of the bottle with water and shake. Add more coloring is necessary.
Repeat this process for each colour you have planned.
Find a good clear spot of snow outside
Make sure the wind is in the right direction so you spray gets on to you or your clothes. Align yourself carefully.
Show them how to work the spray bottle and control the flow, if available.
Use the snow like a huge sheet of paper.
Encourage them to move around and make a big outdoor painting rather than staying in one place.

Personalised Christmas books from Lorri -

Christmas monster foaming puke from Angel –
Great for the kids to make for a Christmas present
1 cup of Olive oil
1/2 cup of Liquid soap
1/4 cup of Honey
1/2 tsp of Green food coloring
1 tbs of Peppermint fragrance or extract
Empty jar
The kids love this one, its great fun for bath time.
Mix all the ingredients together and store in a jar. Tie ribbon round it or decorate as you wish
Give it as a gift and add a small plastic monster toy to the jar.

Gingerbread tree decorations from Louise
480g flour
300g salt
2tbs cinnamon
2tbs nutmeg
2tbs cloves
350ml water
whole all spice
Mix all the dry ingredients. Add the water until clay like. Roll and shape. Use the all spice as eyes and buttons. My hubby got whole cloves as well so we used them as mouths as well. Bake on Gas mark 2 until hard.
They smell great. We got 20 out of the recipe.

Posters, alphabets etc posted by sj -