As I understand it anyone can set up agency and although it's not currently compulsory to join one I believe that we will be pushed and pushed to eventually join one as it will become harder and harder to remain independent.

I was talking to a family friend recently who said her childminder was thinking of starting her own agency with others in her area. They wouldn't charge CMs to join but would help organise group training and help parents find vacancies, again not charging them. They plan to let everything else remain the same so CMs still look after all their own paperwork, finances, running of their business etc. they plan for the to stop any other agency coming in to their area to take over.

What are people's thoughts on this? The not having an individual inspection thing would still be problematic for most CMs I think and what happens if you can't get many other CMs on board.

I became registered in October last year And have no intention of joining an agency but I also don't want to be forced out of a job I enjoy as I've only been doing it 6 months and I'm a long way off retiring lol!