Will you be joining an agency?
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    Default Will you be joining an agency?

    I don't plan to, it has taken huge expense, time and effort to start up this business on my own with most of my guidance coming from here.

    I was thinking, what would happen if we all stuck together and didn't join the agencies, then what would happen? What would Truss do?

    We should keep campaigning against the agencies, as they are a threat from what I can see.

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    I won't be joining an agency and niether will my local colleagues. We have started a group just for childminders so that we can organise our own training, we will also use the group to share information, swop and lend resources and plan activities - exciting stuff!

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  4. #3
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    No I won't be and we arrange our training locally anyway.

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    I have no plans and neither have my childminding friends, we plan to stick together and like previous poster do our courses and swap info, my early years adviser has said they have organised many evenings for people who are interested in childminding and lately no one is taking it further, I wonder if the talk of agencies is putting them off! Or they hadn't realised the amount of paperwork involved, they probably think we sit on our bums watching Jeramy Kyle every day, there is an increase in cm giving up in my area too.

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    Big fat NO !!! X

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    I will never join an agency, if it came to having to join i would leave childminding!

  11. #7
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    I've just gone through the process of registering (awaiting certificate) so I don't need assistance with that! Very much looking forward to being my own boss, and working towards my own personal success. What happens if you join an agency, and that agency gets a bad review? No thank you! Im quite willing to get together with other local childminders like a few of you have mentioned. Don't know how it's ever going to work out cheaper for parents either!

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  13. #8
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    I don't know a single childminder who is planning to join an agency!

    I've been doing this job for over 10 yrs ... think I can do it now! I am in a rural area with not many childminders, so no 'group' as such, but I will find my own training as needed. my LA isn't keen on agencies and as one of the consultation documents said that the LAs have a responsibility to any childminder who does not belong to an agency ... the only thing is that LAs will not be given any money to help childminders, so it might be that if we need help from someone at LA, we have to pay them for a visit etc ... I think that would be preferable.

  14. #9
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    We are all sticking together see the Independent Childminders page on Facebook....

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  16. #10
    Simona Guest


    There are CMs who wish to join an agency...or at least are trialling the pilots but we do not know why or have any idea on how they feel as they have never feedback on their experience...maybe they are not allowed to do so? no one knows

    Some will attend the Truss meeting with the representing associations later on in March...the 25th to be precise...if the meeting goes ahead that is but so far it is on.

    As we all know the trials end in March and then they will be evaluated by an 'independent' body before any recommendations can be put into the EYFS

    More info here

    Child Minding: 26 Feb 2014: Hansard Written Answers - TheyWorkForYou

    At the moment Truss is going out of her way to say agencies are not compulsory...and we will have to wait and see what the revised EYFS says when it comes out in Sept for implementation...it will be updated in April...strangely enough that is also the deadline for the agency consultation which I sincerely hope CMs will input into...not a few but in their thousands

    I would also suggest you keep your eyes and ears open to what your LA is doing in terms of training and support to CMs...many, if not all, are waiting for the trials feedback

    I also would like to suggest CMs do not close their ears to all the other reforms that are taking place...agencies is just ONE of them....the rest are just as important if not more threatening than agencies......entirely my view of course

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    Nope I will remain independent and as someone else has pointed out if it comes to the stage we HAVE to join I will be leaving and starting something new.

    I became my own boss for a reason, I will not be governed by someone else, I worked hard to achieve my 'good' but not quite outstanding Ofsted grade and would not want that jeopardised by an agency!

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  20. #12
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    Hi everyone. As some of you may or may not have read any of my previous posts - I am still awaiting registration, it's been 11 months since I sent my application in - something in my husbands past is delaying it all and driving me mad. Through this entire process I have had no intention whatsoever in joining an agency and have been looking forward to being my own boss. I just wonder - thinking out loud whether an agency would be a route that would help someone like me who is struggling desperately to get registered or whether the agencies would have the exact same rules for registration or whether they'd be a bit more understanding because of playing a heavier role in the runnings of the business. Believe me I do not want to join an agency, just getting frustrated with the system trying to do it alone! X

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  22. #13
    Simona Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Nickidela View Post
    Hi everyone. As some of you may or may not have read any of my previous posts - I am still awaiting registration, it's been 11 months since I sent my application in - something in my husbands past is delaying it all and driving me mad. Through this entire process I have had no intention whatsoever in joining an agency and have been looking forward to being my own boss. I just wonder - thinking out loud whether an agency would be a route that would help someone like me who is struggling desperately to get registered or whether the agencies would have the exact same rules for registration or whether they'd be a bit more understanding because of playing a heavier role in the runnings of the business. Believe me I do not want to join an agency, just getting frustrated with the system trying to do it alone! X
    No one knows if agencies will make the process easier...nothing has been written in stone as yet....whatever they will do though will be at a cost to any registering CM as the agency will be the 'middleman' or 'broker' or 'agent' doing all the bureaucratic forms...that won't be free or I'll eat my hat!!

    Worrying too is the fact they will 'claim' funding and C/Vouchers on behalf of its members...how? if not by taking CMs independence away

    So no decisions to be made until we know what is written down

    Ofsted seems to be running behind with everything at the moment...I would be patient...someone has reported on Linkedin that the whole of Ofsted was closed down for a training day earlier this week....hard to believe they could be so disorganised.

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  24. #14
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    I know of 2 childminders locally who will definitely be looking to join an agency and others who I suspect will. Unfortunately for them there has been no mention of any being set up close by.

    Depending how agencies work I actually think it might be a good thing for them.

    I don't see any benefit at all to me joining, so have no plans to do so. I am more than happy running my own business, as I have done for many years.

    While I understand that agencies are not compulsory at the moment, I do worry that they will take control in a sneaky way. I saw information for one that said they had no plans to take over our businesses, wouldn't match us up with parents etc. Their remit was to provide training and support. Now, that might seem appealing to some people who are otherwise against agencies. It seems relatively harmless compared to the thought of an agency coming in & taking over everything. But I can see people signing up for training & support, then seeing more and more 'services' being introduce - a cm/parent matching service, an accounts service, a payment handing service. Before you know it, they've taken over completely.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kats View Post
    I will never join an agency, if it came to having to join i would leave childminding!
    Same as this.

    Our LA currently supports well with networks and development workers but no-one knows what the future holds for this, hopefully we can continue to support each other locally if the funding gets withdrawn.

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  28. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    While I understand that agencies are not compulsory at the moment, I do worry that they will take control in a sneaky way. I saw information for one that said they had no plans to take over our businesses, wouldn't match us up with parents etc. Their remit was to provide training and support. Now, that might seem appealing to some people who are otherwise against agencies. It seems relatively harmless compared to the thought of an agency coming in & taking over everything. But I can see people signing up for training & support, then seeing more and more 'services' being introduce - a cm/parent matching service, an accounts service, a payment handing service. Before you know it, they've taken over completely.
    Totally agree Mouse
    Agencies are currently an unknown entity having only just being started up. We all suspect the trials are going to be hailed a fantastic success - regardless of whether they are or not - Truss has no interest in changing her grand master plan, Ofsted are backing her, and so are the DofE if the results of the the last consultation are anything to go by - high percentage against a proposal, well, we're doing it anyway!

    It'll take time to get enough agencies set up around the country to cater for the number of childminders, so no point in making it compulsory for existing minders to join one if there aren't any available to join.
    In the meantime, withdraw financial support to the LA so training/support is difficult to access for existing Cm's.
    Where a need for training/support/new CM's is identified, let one of the companies in favour of agencies know, and let them set up there.
    New CM's can only be registered via an agency - there will always be new people wanting to do our job, and newbies won't know any different so are easier to 'condition', especially with the backing of our regulatory body.

    Give it 3 years, tops, the law will be changed again and it will become compulsory for all childminders to be attached - I'd bet on it!

  29. #17
    Simona Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Kiddleywinks View Post
    Totally agree Mouse
    Agencies are currently an unknown entity having only just being started up. We all suspect the trials are going to be hailed a fantastic success - regardless of whether they are or not - Truss has no interest in changing her grand master plan, Ofsted are backing her, and so are the DofE if the results of the the last consultation are anything to go by - high percentage against a proposal, well, we're doing it anyway!

    It'll take time to get enough agencies set up around the country to cater for the number of childminders, so no point in making it compulsory for existing minders to join one if there aren't any available to join.
    In the meantime, withdraw financial support to the LA so training/support is difficult to access for existing Cm's.
    Where a need for training/support/new CM's is identified, let one of the companies in favour of agencies know, and let them set up there.
    New CM's can only be registered via an agency - there will always be new people wanting to do our job, and newbies won't know any different so are easier to 'condition', especially with the backing of our regulatory body.

    Give it 3 years, tops, the law will be changed again and it will become compulsory for all childminders to be attached - I'd bet on it!
    Unless the DfE has changed its mind recently new Cms have the option of registering with an agency or with Ofsted...that is a clear message
    The process is still that new CMs contact their LA for the induction then get on with the rest of the bureaucratic process

    If the body who evaluate the trials is truly 'independent' then we should see warts and all...but no one knows who they are...all we know they have little time as the results have to be in by April to inform the EYFS revision and much more

    Trialling Agencies are also schools...why would they want to be an agency unless they have a plan in mind?
    What is serious is that the agency consultation ends 21 March...how long has the DfE to report on that? not that they will take any notice

    Lots of questions have been asked of agencies but pertinent ones have not...all that remains is to continue waiting...not long now
    those who attend the Truss March meeting will know more and hopefully share the findings

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    Quote Originally Posted by VeggieSausage View Post
    We are all sticking together see the Independent Childminders page on Facebook....
    I'm on there Veggie Sausage! Haven't looked at it lately but will

  32. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiddleywinks View Post
    Totally agree Mouse
    Agencies are currently an unknown entity having only just being started up. We all suspect the trials are going to be hailed a fantastic success - regardless of whether they are or not - Truss has no interest in changing her grand master plan, Ofsted are backing her, and so are the DofE if the results of the the last consultation are anything to go by - high percentage against a proposal, well, we're doing it anyway!

    It'll take time to get enough agencies set up around the country to cater for the number of childminders, so no point in making it compulsory for existing minders to join one if there aren't any available to join.
    In the meantime, withdraw financial support to the LA so training/support is difficult to access for existing Cm's.
    Where a need for training/support/new CM's is identified, let one of the companies in favour of agencies know, and let them set up there.
    New CM's can only be registered via an agency - there will always be new people wanting to do our job, and newbies won't know any different so are easier to 'condition', especially with the backing of our regulatory body.

    Give it 3 years, tops, the law will be changed again and it will become compulsory for all childminders to be attached - I'd bet on it!

    This is what worries me

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  34. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simona View Post
    Unless the DfE has changed its mind recently new Cms have the option of registering with an agency or with Ofsted...that is a clear message
    The process is still that new CMs contact their LA for the induction then get on with the rest of the bureaucratic process

    If the body who evaluate the trials is truly 'independent' then we should see warts and all...but no one knows who they are...all we know they have little time as the results have to be in by April to inform the EYFS revision and much more

    Trialling Agencies are also schools...why would they want to be an agency unless they have a plan in mind?
    What is serious is that the agency consultation ends 21 March...how long has the DfE to report on that? not that they will take any notice

    Lots of questions have been asked of agencies but pertinent ones have not...all that remains is to continue waiting...not long now
    those who attend the Truss March meeting will know more and hopefully share the findings

    Keep us posted Simona and all, I'm still new so don't have the knowledge you all have.



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