DfE plans to change regulation
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  1. #1
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    Default DfE plans to change regulation

    DfE has updated its Facebook page to release details about the latest changes to legislation and the Eyfs ...

    I believe that these plans will damage outcomes for children - and childminder businesses.

    I have replied on the FB page and encourage you all to do the same -


    My reply says -

    Childminders have been telling you for a long time that we do not think your policies are in the best interests of the children - and you haven't listened to us yet. You are pushing ahead with childminder agencies which are not needed and which will push up the cost of childcare... 3 hours free childcare which will be a safeguarding nightmare... making it easier to keep children in classrooms for longer when we offer wrap around care in our homes... changes to the Eyfs to make way for agencies which are not needed... closing down LA support networks to make way for agencies which are not needed... longer school days which will lead to us losing work... children in school from age 2 which will lead to us losing work... and much more.

    DfE - you consult, then go ahead, ignoring us when we advise you. We are not sleepwalking into a disaster - we are telling you that your policies are not putting children first! We told you on Twitter and you deleted our comments - we told you when we answered your consultations and you push ahead regardless - we told you when we last wrote on your FB page but you can't have read them or you wouldn't be doing this now - we told you when we delivered petitions but again you clearly didn't read them - we told you when we wrote you letters but you answered telling us how wonderful things will be when agencies are introduced.

    DfE - when will you listen to the people who spend day after day working with children? The people who know what young children need? The people who work closely with parents every day and know what they want? Surely you want what is best for children? So do we - we are passionate about that - every day our aim is to raise outcomes for children. We are good at what we do yet you ignore us time and time again. I speak passionately because it is truly heartbreaking to watch you systematically erode our children's childhood and damage their future lives with your policies

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    Thanks for the info Sarah.
    Is there anyone out there on our side?

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    Thank you Sarah - I will e-mail this straight away to our Independent Childminding Network, set up to support each other so we don't feel forced into joining agencies, our website is nearing completion and have had a group photo taken this morning to accompany our newpaper editiorial which has been written to explain why we felt the need to set up as an independent group after our DO was made redundant, to offer support to all members and to match parents with childminders without anyone having to pay agency fees. I would recommend to childminders in every town to form a similar network group - who needs agencies - WE DON'T!

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  5. #4
    Simona Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by hectors house View Post
    Thank you Sarah - I will e-mail this straight away to our Independent Childminding Network, set up to support each other so we don't feel forced into joining agencies, our website is nearing completion and have had a group photo taken this morning to accompany our newpaper editiorial which has been written to explain why we felt the need to set up as an independent group after our DO was made redundant, to offer support to all members and to match parents with childminders without anyone having to pay agency fees. I would recommend to childminders in every town to form a similar network group - who needs agencies - WE DON'T!
    The changes to regulation which the DfE is referring to will include agencies but what is causing the furore is the 1:30 ratio for after school care that Truss is intent on implementing very fast.

    This is a snippet from an article this morning from the BBC...PLA and NDNA have already responded

    'The DfE said it intended to amend the regulations in April, with a view to introducing the new regulations in September'

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    A ratio of 1:30!!! Who in their right mind would want that job, and most children would hate it, complete bedlam. I'm sure a lot of parents would worry about the safety and when their child tells them that jonny so and so pulled their pigtails and nobody saw it or did anything about it/knew nothing of it, the parent would throw the towel in!

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    I realise that this 1:30 ratio is going to allow cheaper after school clubs and thats in direct competition to Childminders.

    But I do understand where they are coming from: In my other life teachers did after school clubs, choir, football, computer, homework,art D&T etc.. with 30 children regularly, usually with an assistant, parent helper etc... Yet when I started an afterschool club that was free play and childcare the rules were different, ratios were different etc... We were all going to take it in turns to do an evening ( this came from a parent questionnaire feedback ) but abandoned it because of the different regulations. The teachers could easily create a great session with this number, as they were used to doing it all day long, definitely no 'mayhem' would happen. So, during the day a teacher in Key Stage 2 can be fully responsible, on their own for up to 35 ( Key stage 1 and reception - 30) but after school care ...1:13! It didn't make sense.

    The problem that does occur and might still with this new regulation is that unqualified and inexperienced people can run them......which is where your 'mayhem' will creep in.

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    But will teachers want to work the extra hours. This is why they are dropping the need for qualified staff. I still feel that 10 hours in the same environment is not good for the children. This government is intent on savings money all be it at the cost of the children's welfare and family values and no amount of shouting seems to be heard by the people who matter.

  9. #8
    Simona Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by FloraDora View Post
    I realise that this 1:30 ratio is going to allow cheaper after school clubs and thats in direct competition to Childminders.

    But I do understand where they are coming from: In my other life teachers did after school clubs, choir, football, computer, homework,art D&T etc.. with 30 children regularly, usually with an assistant, parent helper etc... Yet when I started an afterschool club that was free play and childcare the rules were different, ratios were different etc... We were all going to take it in turns to do an evening ( this came from a parent questionnaire feedback ) but abandoned it because of the different regulations. The teachers could easily create a great session with this number, as they were used to doing it all day long, definitely no 'mayhem' would happen. So, during the day a teacher in Key Stage 2 can be fully responsible, on their own for up to 35 ( Key stage 1 and reception - 30) but after school care ...1:13! It didn't make sense.

    The problem that does occur and might still with this new regulation is that unqualified and inexperienced people can run them......which is where your 'mayhem' will creep in.
    This is not just direct competition ...it is much more and many have raised concerns about what it will do to CMs....agencies are the least of our problems at the moment

    In her speech to the Resolution Foundation on Thursday Truss announced 'sweeping reforms'

    These are some of the comments she made highlighted in bold

    So today, I am delighted to announce sweeping reform of the regulations around the school day and childcare.
    We’re improving the child development guidance, so they don’t need to worry about meeting unnecessary rules about pedagogy and instruction

    And we’re removing unnecessary central rules around setting up after school clubs - so if they want to bring in an external childcare provider, they don’t have to worry about a pile of new paperwork.

    At the moment, for example, childminders can’t operate outside homes.
    So in future, they’ll be able to. If schools want to bring them in, they can just do it

    Quality in childcare
    We are also improving childcare for the under 5s - as well as raising the quality of provision.
    That requires high-quality staff and pedagogy suited to the age of the child.

    This is very contradictory and full of spin
    Although she believes in high quality staff she is removing the requirement for qualified staff in after school care but referred previously to removing rules about pedagogy?
    Maybe she does not know what pedagogy stands for?
    Clear it is not....how will unqualified and untrained staff deal with safeguarding issues?

    What is missing from her comments about CMs is that she said in another speech she wants CMs to work in the morning with preschool children then go to schools at 3 pm to do the after school care...no explanation as to who would pay the CMs nor how would we do this if we had a baby and a couple of toddlers with us the whole day?
    From what I hear many schools are unhappy at this...what about parents?

    I am not surprised CMs are up in arms about this ...all united in telling her she is wrong.
    PLA, NDNA and Pacey have come out very strongly in support and many in the EY sector have been sending her strong messages today...like it or not she can read even though she is unable to listen

    I think it is insulting to think that CMs who have spent years building their business and providing high quality care will, suddenly, run to schools in an effort to support her rather rushed idea...she is running out of time and, as reported recently, due for promotion in March.

    While many Cms may have no option but to work in schools many will throw in the towel and leave....the next set of statistics from Ofsted can only prove our numbers falling again and put the blame right on her doorstep

    This is nothing to do with children...this is to do with cheap childcare and no joined up thinking....we all welcome cutting red tape
    So much she could have done and promised but so far only lots of untested ideas....a real opportunity lost

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    Quote Originally Posted by Simona View Post
    This is not just direct competition ...it is much more and many have raised concerns about what it will do to CMs....agencies are the least of our problems at the moment

    In her speech to the Resolution Foundation on Thursday Truss announced 'sweeping reforms'

    These are some of the comments she made highlighted in bold

    So today, I am delighted to announce sweeping reform of the regulations around the school day and childcare.
    We’re improving the child development guidance, so they don’t need to worry about meeting unnecessary rules about pedagogy and instruction

    And we’re removing unnecessary central rules around setting up after school clubs - so if they want to bring in an external childcare provider, they don’t have to worry about a pile of new paperwork.

    At the moment, for example, childminders can’t operate outside homes.
    So in future, they’ll be able to. If schools want to bring them in, they can just do it

    Quality in childcare
    We are also improving childcare for the under 5s - as well as raising the quality of provision.
    That requires high-quality staff and pedagogy suited to the age of the child.

    This is very contradictory and full of spin
    Although she believes in high quality staff she is removing the requirement for qualified staff in after school care but referred previously to removing rules about pedagogy?
    Maybe she does not know what pedagogy stands for?
    Clear it is not....how will unqualified and untrained staff deal with safeguarding issues?

    What is missing from her comments about CMs is that she said in another speech she wants CMs to work in the morning with preschool children then go to schools at 3 pm to do the after school care...no explanation as to who would pay the CMs nor how would we do this if we had a baby and a couple of toddlers with us the whole day?
    From what I hear many schools are unhappy at this...what about parents?

    I am not surprised CMs are up in arms about this ...all united in telling her she is wrong.
    PLA, NDNA and Pacey have come out very strongly in support and many in the EY sector have been sending her strong messages today...like it or not she can read even though she is unable to listen

    I think it is insulting to think that CMs who have spent years building their business and providing high quality care will, suddenly, run to schools in an effort to support her rather rushed idea...she is running out of time and, as reported recently, due for promotion in March.

    While many Cms may have no option but to work in schools many will throw in the towel and leave....the next set of statistics from Ofsted can only prove our numbers falling again and put the blame right on her doorstep

    This is nothing to do with children...this is to do with cheap childcare and no joined up thinking....we all welcome cutting red tape
    So much she could have done and promised but so far only lots of untested ideas....a real opportunity lost

    Points taken!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by SYLVIA View Post
    But will teachers want to work the extra hours. This is why they are dropping the need for qualified staff. I still feel that 10 hours in the same environment is not good for the children. This government is intent on savings money all be it at the cost of the children's welfare and family values and no amount of shouting seems to be heard by the people who matter.
    Teacher are already running after school clubs effectively. My husband has Choir after school one night and Orchestra another. Not until 6pm admittedly but for 1.5 hiurs and often 2 by the time parents have finished their shopping and come and collected their dear ones from the free childcare At his school they have French and other things and an After School club. DH had run choir and orchestra after school at a number of schools during all of his 25 year career.

    The Truss woman doesn't have a clue nor does Gove I bet neither of them has ever visited a school after 3pm to have a look at what is going on.

    Both my own children went to 3 Primaries and went to a large variety of after school activities at school over the years and my dd started school in 1997.

    At High School their difficulty always seemed to be choosing from all that was on offer and there was a homework club after school every night as well. The trouble was if they stayed at school I then had to go and get them or they walked the 2 miles home because the school bus system didn't accommodate after school activities. A bigger problem for some of the children in villages with little or no regular bus service.

  12. #11
    Simona Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by rickysmiths View Post
    Teacher are already running after school clubs effectively. My husband has Choir after school one night and Orchestra another. Not until 6pm admittedly but for 1.5 hiurs and often 2 by the time parents have finished their shopping and come and collected their dear ones from the free childcare At his school they have French and other things and an After School club. DH had run choir and orchestra after school at a number of schools during all of his 25 year career.

    The Truss woman doesn't have a clue nor does Gove I bet neither of them has ever visited a school after 3pm to have a look at what is going on.

    Both my own children went to 3 Primaries and went to a large variety of after school activities at school over the years and my dd started school in 1997.

    At High School their difficulty always seemed to be choosing from all that was on offer and there was a homework club after school every night as well. The trouble was if they stayed at school I then had to go and get them or they walked the 2 miles home because the school bus system didn't accommodate after school activities. A bigger problem for some of the children in villages with little or no regular bus service.
    Thanks for that Rickysmiths and of course we know that teachers already run after school activities and I believe these are what both Truss and Gove refer to as 'extra curricular' and their vision is for all schools to provide them so saving parents the bother of having to drive their children here there and everywhere as in the example of the mother blogger quoted by Truss in her speech
    This poor mum waits patiently for the lesson to take place while scrolling on her twitter feed to pass the time?....good grief ...does Truss think we are stupid?

    What we need to work out is what happens during the holidays because no one has definitely confirmed that schools will offer holiday care too
    Teachers have rejected longer working hours...so what is this policy about ?

    Looks to me like a quick solution for term time only but it does not solve the holiday care shortage....unless it will be compulsory for teachers to work during their holidays...or the school will call Cms to run holiday clubs as Truss has now freed us to work outside of our setting.



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