DfE has updated its Facebook page to release details about the latest changes to legislation and the Eyfs ...

I believe that these plans will damage outcomes for children - and childminder businesses.

I have replied on the FB page and encourage you all to do the same -


My reply says -

Childminders have been telling you for a long time that we do not think your policies are in the best interests of the children - and you haven't listened to us yet. You are pushing ahead with childminder agencies which are not needed and which will push up the cost of childcare... 3 hours free childcare which will be a safeguarding nightmare... making it easier to keep children in classrooms for longer when we offer wrap around care in our homes... changes to the Eyfs to make way for agencies which are not needed... closing down LA support networks to make way for agencies which are not needed... longer school days which will lead to us losing work... children in school from age 2 which will lead to us losing work... and much more.

DfE - you consult, then go ahead, ignoring us when we advise you. We are not sleepwalking into a disaster - we are telling you that your policies are not putting children first! We told you on Twitter and you deleted our comments - we told you when we answered your consultations and you push ahead regardless - we told you when we last wrote on your FB page but you can't have read them or you wouldn't be doing this now - we told you when we delivered petitions but again you clearly didn't read them - we told you when we wrote you letters but you answered telling us how wonderful things will be when agencies are introduced.

DfE - when will you listen to the people who spend day after day working with children? The people who know what young children need? The people who work closely with parents every day and know what they want? Surely you want what is best for children? So do we - we are passionate about that - every day our aim is to raise outcomes for children. We are good at what we do yet you ignore us time and time again. I speak passionately because it is truly heartbreaking to watch you systematically erode our children's childhood and damage their future lives with your policies