gove on this morning
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  1. #1
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    Default gove on this morning

    Hi all. Ive just seen a post on facebook about gove going on this morning.

    They would like questions emailed to themselves by 11.15 today.

    The email address is

    Im hoping the email address will not be starred out but if it is google the show and its a little way down on hot topics.

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    No its there

    but I cant watch cant afford to replace the tv everytime he is on
    When someone tells you nothing is impossible, tell them to go slam a revolving door

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    Yeah I know what you mean x I just hope they ask questions that actually challenge him n not go along with him x

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gail Tracey View Post
    Yeah I know what you mean x I just hope they ask questions that actually challenge him n not go along with him x
    Yes, like class sizes in state v private schools and the fact that some state schools have class fulls of children who are new to the English language or children from extremely difficult backgrounds. He is so insulting to the thousands of state school teachers who do fabulous jobs (I know some don't do fabulous jobs, but some teachers in the private sector don't do fabulous jobs either).

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  7. #5
    Simona Guest


    The problem with Gove...or his that what he is trying to do has been called 'laudable', can't disagree with his aim of wanting state schools to be a match to private ones

    How lovely if state schools could match the independent fee paying sector which means= smaller classes, longer holidays but Gove is not putting the money into this scheme and state school teachers will not match their salaries nor will they get funding equal to the private sector

    Gove was hardly off the news yesterday...will he listen? of course not...he has been called a revolutionary and headline grabber

    Today it is Truss' turn to be in the headlines as she is asking schools to open longer to accept 2 year olds...another minister who does not listen and is grabbing the headlines

    Both have policies that have not been costed and both have a problem with listening and engaging with the sector...2 peas in a pod they are!!!
    Both need to understand that to introduce such big changes you need the sector behind you, you need to consult and engage not antagonise!
    The teaching profession is against Gove and the EY sector is against Truss...both are guilty of causing the current crisis!

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    Quote Originally Posted by FussyElmo View Post
    No its there

    but I cant watch cant afford to replace the tv everytime he is on
    Oh I know what you mean. I tried hard to watch ET on something a couple of days ago and had to turn it off. I can't bear the sight of hers or Gove's face. I just want to slap them In fact even the mention of their names starts me off.


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    Now I don't want all State Schools to be like Private and Public Schools. Some of them are appalling in terms of the 'education' they offer. Just because you pay fees doesn't mean what you get is good.

  10. #8
    Simona Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by AliceK View Post
    Oh I know what you mean. I tried hard to watch ET on something a couple of days ago and had to turn it off. I can't bear the sight of hers or Gove's face. I just want to slap them In fact even the mention of their names starts me off.

    Personally I think that is exactly why they go on and on...what they really need is an open public debate or 'slinging' match with those who are totally fed up with their nonsense and patronising!

    Gove hides behind his label 'he is a very charming polite man'
    Truss 'clueless but aspiring minister who never looked after her 2 girls when they were 2' and devoid of any listening skills

    Neither cares what we think...Truss' ideas are beginning to smack of 'desperation'...if she had concentrated all her efforts on 2 year olds and how to engage with CMs she would not now be pleading with schools to open up 'childcare' for them...since when are schools there for childcare?
    How can schools justify taking on 2 year olds when they hardly have spaces for primary?

    well £10,000 grant will do the talks in this case

    Her efforts have concentrated on agencies...not even that idea is such a success....what will her legacy be? hot air!

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    Surely the problem with private schools is they turn out fukwitz like Gove.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bunyip View Post
    Surely the problem with private schools is they turn out fukwitz like Gove.
    The other problem that has arisen with Gove comparing private/state schools is that I am hearing/reading comments about how awful, stuck up and undesirable children from private schools are. This saddens me. We cannot generalise or blame schools any more than we can blame child minders (generally speaking of course). We can't be anti private school kids because we are professional and we wouldn't want to be biased towards any other group in society.

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    I have 2 pre schools near me who take the 2yr funded children now and some of the staff members have left saying it was never their intention to spend their day holding little ones and changing nappies. They would have joined a baby room in the day nursery otherwise. These are really good memebers of staff that older children love but they are finding they do not have the time to be with the older ones now

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    You might like to read this and do the poll at the end of it.

    Schools encouraged to take 2-year-olds to tackle childcare crisis - Telegraph

  15. #13
    Simona Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by rickysmiths View Post
    You might like to read this and do the poll at the end of it.

    Schools encouraged to take 2-year-olds to tackle childcare crisis - Telegraph
    That article also states that schools were given a £1,000 grant when in fact it is £10,000...the newspaper has corrected the mistake

    Bunyip...please don't misunderstand what I was saying as I was quoting from the lengthy debate going on yesterday

    what people were saying is if state schools have to match private ones can they also have smaller classes, longer holidays, better teacher pay and the excellent facilities private schools have in terms of sports and extra curricular activities...fair point I suppose...and they know Gove won't invest on that scale for state schools

    After years and years in this country I have never understood the state versus private school debate...but I think it is parental choice and the size of their purse

    Maza I agree with you....Gove et al are the product of private education but I also know children who were in my care in the past and have been privately educated and have turned out good values maybe? not sure...

    will be interesting to see how this proposal will evolve

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    I think the crux of this latest flight of fancy, from a man who clearly has no experience of the real world, is he's effectively saying that private schools are categorically better than state schools. Nothing is that black and white. There are excellent private schools out there don't get me wrong, but there are also many outstanding state schools. Some state schools are shocking granted, but I know private schools in my own area that are poorly run and I wouldn't send my lo there if you paid me (or rather, if you paid them!) No amount of money, whether we're talking bucket loads or practically none, necessarily makes a school good or bad. It's what a school does with the resources it has that makes a difference. To champion private schools as an ideal which all state schools should live up to is ludicrous and down right insulting to all the teachers working their behinds off in state's like saying that nothing they do will ever be good enough and that they'll always be second class because they're not in a wonderous private school! Makes my blood boil....can you tell!

    AND don't even get me started on the 2 year olds in full time school brain wave! My dd is 2 in a couple of months and is absolutely exhausted after a morning playing at a friends house....she'd be a physical and emotional wreck if she was in blinkin school all day. Not a chance!

    Raaaaaaaaaa! And breathe!

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  18. #15
    Simona Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Emra81 View Post
    I think the crux of this latest flight of fancy, from a man who clearly has no experience of the real world, is he's effectively saying that private schools are categorically better than state schools. Nothing is that black and white. There are excellent private schools out there don't get me wrong, but there are also many outstanding state schools. Some state schools are shocking granted, but I know private schools in my own area that are poorly run and I wouldn't send my lo there if you paid me (or rather, if you paid them!) No amount of money, whether we're talking bucket loads or practically none, necessarily makes a school good or bad. It's what a school does with the resources it has that makes a difference. To champion private schools as an ideal which all state schools should live up to is ludicrous and down right insulting to all the teachers working their behinds off in state's like saying that nothing they do will ever be good enough and that they'll always be second class because they're not in a wonderous private school! Makes my blood boil....can you tell!

    AND don't even get me started on the 2 year olds in full time school brain wave! My dd is 2 in a couple of months and is absolutely exhausted after a morning playing at a friends house....she'd be a physical and emotional wreck if she was in blinkin school all day. Not a chance!

    Raaaaaaaaaa! And breathe!
    Oh dear Emra81...sounds as if you need some air....try this

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    Hee hee....I've always agreed with the saying 'A picture can paint a thousand words'.....

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    What would we do without private school, churning out people who just know they are so much better than the rest of us?

    What other institution could produce the kind of elite that would perpetuate the slave trade, dominate half the globe, lead Europe into some of history's bloodiest wars, and (for an encore) bring the economy crashing down like the statue of Ozimandias?

  22. #18
    Simona Guest


    Interview with Gove and his reasons why he wants 10 hrs at school...
    Love his reply when asked what his qualification were for being Education Secretary!!!

    This Morning: Education Secretary Michael Gove on 10 hour school day | Showbiz | This Morning | STV



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