DfE agency thread on FB
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  1. #1
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    Default DfE agency thread on FB

    I have just added another comment to the DfE Facebook thread about agencies... I thought it was about time the thread was re-awakened!


    I hope you agree with my comments... if you haven't replied yet please have your say

    I wonder if anyone in a place where decisions are made has read... really read... and taken notice of these comments yet? There have been numerous 'consultations' - all with the same result - childminders neither want nor need agencies.

    Fair enough we are told by Ms Truss that we won't have to join them. BUT Ofsted have clearly said they don't want us in their remit and inspections are getting tougher, good and outstanding childminders are not being provided with training, Local Authorities are being diverted from supporting childminders, less Children's Centres are welcoming childminders and we are hearing that trial agencies are frightening local childminders into joining up with them by spreading scare stories of incredibly high Ofsted fees for remaining independent (and much more)...

    I read the first Ofsted inspection report under the new framework the other day - the reason the childminder was not outstanding?? She didn't explain to the children why they were washing their hands!! Her report read like an outstanding report... it is totally WRONG to treat us in this way!

    We are asking DfE to look at this again! Stop pushing agencies on us - leave us to do our jobs and give us the free, independent support we deserve.

    You keep telling us we are too expensive - don't put our costs up by making us pay more money for Ofsted inspections and training then!!! You keep saying you are trying to lower costs for parents - don't make them go through a middle man then!! It's not difficult to see the flaw in your plan is it?

    Please re-read these comments from well trained, informed, experienced and frustrated childminders and the message they give - please stop creating a 2 tier childminder system - stop spreading confusion - stop putting childcare costs up - stop frightening dedicated childminders so much they are leaving the careers they love - we do NOT want these agencies.

    Thank you.
    Like · Reply · 9 minutes ago

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    i'm not on facebook, so can't see how to reply, but all those comments from childminders saying they do not want/will not join agencies ... I do hope someone is taking note, and realising what a mistake is being made.

  4. #3
    Simona Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by loocyloo View Post
    i'm not on facebook, so can't see how to reply, but all those comments from childminders saying they do not want/will not join agencies ... I do hope someone is taking note, and realising what a mistake is being made.
    I would say the DfE is taking note...they keep telling us that agencies are 'NOT' compulsory
    Is there any evidence out there that those trialling are making it mandatory to join?
    The Foundation Years website has a link for 'case studies' on agencies...there is not even one comment yet which I find strange as some cms must have volunteered to trial...where is their feedback on whether it is fantastic or awful?

    I wonder if anyone would start a thread asking the DfE to make 'independent' cms the priority by answering some of our questions
    One of the original reasons for introducing agencies was to raise the quality of cms...the latest statistics show that cms are now closing the gap at inspection between them and nurseries...it stands at 2% now from 7% previously

  5. #4
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    I wonder if these trialled agencies are having trouble getting people (Cms) to sign up?
    I read somewhere that one agency hadn't got any.
    It is also really strange that we're not getting any feedback whatever from Cms who are trying them - here or on Facebook.
    The whole thing feels like a massive conspiracy!!
    'It's never too late to have a happy childhood' ( Tom Robinson)

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    I put my name forward for my local one Entrust Staffordshire, this was some time ago now, I presume they have held the meetings they were going to in September but as I was unable to get to one because of medical problems, I appear to have been forgotten. I did tell them I couldn't attend and asked them to send me the details, I was informed by two separate people that as soon as the meetings had been held information would be sent out and I would be contacted. Needless to say I am still waiting, mind you this is nothing new with Staffordshire.
    I might stir them up a bit as I am in that type of mood at the moment where I could do with a good moan about things and see why I have been forgotten.
    Watch this space.

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    Great thanks tea cake x
    'It's never too late to have a happy childhood' ( Tom Robinson)

  10. #7
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    Thanks Simone. Your untiring energy in this respect is reassuring and comforting xx
    'It's never too late to have a happy childhood' ( Tom Robinson)

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    yes, thank you simone xxx

  13. #9
    Simona Guest


    This Pacey statement is now their new standpoint and widely circulated.
    Although I do agree on the 'agencies must not become compulsory' bit, I do not feel that any association should give the govt advice on the best agency model

    If we are against agencies we must not give any support for them to become a success!



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