Trialling agencies
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  1. #1
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    Default Trialling agencies

    Just been to a LA childminder meeting and the development worker said they had agreed to be one of the organisations trialling elements of childminder agencies. Though I'm sure they said LA's can't actually be an agency.

    Also asked about 4children's childcare hubs and they said there has been some recruiting for jobs linked to that a couple of months ago. Don't know where exactly it is being piloted though.

    Found it a bit hard as others were also asking questions and mine not getting answered fully. Came home with a confused mind!

    Is there anything I need to go back and find out?

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    How it will be organised
    What our part in it will be and how our jobs will change - incl financially.

    'It's never too late to have a happy childhood' ( Tom Robinson)

  3. #3
    Simona Guest


    I believe our aim is to get names...which LA is it? are you happy sharing it?

    If that happened in my area I would reveal it without a moments hesitation and act on it....
    as you have heard Truss did not reveal the names when asked in question time by Sharon Hodgson but they are coming out themselves...

    you say you are confused...which questions were you unable to ask and what confuses you?
    why is the LA doing the they think it will work or is it the only way to save their jobs...

    we need to ask questions now and drive home the message we cannot wait any longer as things are happening under our nose and in our very LAs....

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    Sorry, the LA is Lancs, didn't leave that out intentionally.

    I was hoping to get more of an idea of what was appending locally, but they still don't really know themselves.

    In March our network said that the LA was proposing to stop using NCMA networks and develop their own so they could save money and have more consistency across the county. The LA has developed a 'portfolio' for childminders to use to keep a record of evidence and organise documents etc. This was supposed to be introduced in April, which we thought would be the end of the networks, but even though everything has been printed, they have not introduced them yet and don't know when they will either. The decision for this is higher up the chain.

    I've heard the budget for our local children's centres is going to be cut (maybe up to 30%?) so my network coordinator is unsure of what will be available for us support wise this time next year. I had to join the network to become accredited, and they mentioned last night about stopping LA inspections for accreditation, and use Ofsted inspection results, which actually I thought was happening anyway? But this leaves me wondering what will happen to my network and the support I will receive - didn't get any clarity on this as they just not know yet.

    Then at the meeting last night, the LA said they had accepted the opportunity to take part in trialling elements of childminder agencies, if I heard it right this was so they could see how they would work if they were to be introduced. I didn't get an answer to what they would be trialling and when and also where the childcare hub that 4children are piloting would be. So I don't feel any further forward in knowing what the proposals are for the area I work in = confusion!

    They have though been spending a lot of time on 2 yr old funding and are going to be promoting childminders to parents looking for spaces as the 2000 or so eligible in the pilot is going to jump to under 6500-7000 in Sept!

  5. #5
    Simona Guest


    Thank you for your feedback...very useful, it is certainly something we can go on if any other LAs come up with that surprise

    I hear a lot that LAs left the ncma network model to start their own (mine did too)...does anyone know why?

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    so there will be a profit making arm within our LA's if this happens - weird?
    if you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got

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    I for one would prefer not to have LA support as I have all the support I need from on here.
    My d o who is doing my RAG is a total dictator and we are just entering our fifth visit of two hours each time!!. And we are only half way through the RAG!
    The fact that I got outstanding from Ofsted a week ago means zilch to her. This is the one who wanted a dated toy cleaning rota up on the wall.
    My life would be a lot easier if I didn't have this every year. It cannot be called support at all - it is hassle!!
    My job would be better without the LA
    'It's never too late to have a happy childhood' ( Tom Robinson)

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    How about if the LAs had a clear remit that didn't include silly audits?

    Childminders are telling me they are fed up with inconsistent Ofsted inspections

    Something has to be better than the fear of that happening x

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    I agree; it is all so random depending on where you live - and we are all ruled by an iron rod of fear. Totally demoralising.
    'It's never too late to have a happy childhood' ( Tom Robinson)

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    God forbid we ever go back to being under the remit of LAs and loose Ofsted. At least, inconsistencies apart, Ofsted is impartial. Ofsted at least do respond to reasonable Complaints and do change reports. I would hate to return to too personal LA Inspectors it is bad enough dealing with DO who have their favourites.

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    Quote Originally Posted by rickysmiths View Post
    God forbid we ever go back to being under the remit of LAs and loose Ofsted. At least, inconsistencies apart, Ofsted is impartial. Ofsted at least do respond to reasonable Complaints and do change reports. I would hate to return to too personal LA Inspectors it is bad enough dealing with DO who have their favourites.
    A heck of a lot of childminders are telling me that they are very worried about the way Ofsted are going with all the inspection inconsistencies and marking childminders down for little things They are saying they would join an agency just to stop them having to worry about this

    With a proper remit a lot are telling me they think LAs would be much better placed to support them locally - and would be able to visit more often and keep in better touch.

    Ofsted are not impartial - each inspector has a different view of the requirements - a lot childminders are frightened of them If it's a toss up between individual Ofsted inspections and the fear they are causing at the moment and a local softly, softly agency which takes the strain ... It's a very worrying prospect but one which a large number of childminders tell me privately they might be prepared to consider.

    Plus with more and more LAs announcing they will be the agency ...

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  13. #12
    Simona Guest


    I for one was registered and inspected by the LA when I first started in Social worker helped me to become a childminder in the first place...then registered my preschool when it opened and them became my tutor for my NVQ 3...I'd go back to that anytime!

    The system may have had a few problems but those social workers knew their stuff because they had 'sound knowldege' of child development and childcare and their inspections were a very positive experience.... always followed by praise and encouragement so...if there has to be a change think back of what we had that was good and we lost through Ofsted now...
    do you ever remember a social worker inspecting you and ticking boxes??...never they watched and observed not like the present ones who would be lost without their target sheets and laptops!

    Ofsted problem is that it has shifted its role....from inspector of 'standards in education' to 'policy maker' and very influential within the DfE....that is what is wrong now and yes I agree it is turning into a reign of fear and disrespect with their threats...that will earn them few brownies points

    Ofsted know little of child development and the current framework and, whatever, will follow will not make it easier as it is all around 'school readiness'...Liz Bayram spoke of this yesterday at the C&F Bill evidence

    Cms who are frightened and concerned need to speak up though and be proactive...we need to tell our representing associations that this is a real problem for many cms...not just in a forum but in other ways...does anyone know if UKCMA put that to the Lord Storey who met them? lets see what comes out of their feedback if they do one

    No one has ever mentioned in any evidence that cms may fall into agencies just out of fear of inspections...that must not happen and since they speak on our behalf and paid to do so that is where we need to address the problem

    I have always said that remaining independent means that no barriers must stand in our way in order to sustain our business and Ofsted at present appear to be a huge research or survey will have any effect...having a go on FB or writing blogs is not the way to deal with this we need to be heard by the right people.

    Lets do something about this...any ideas?
    I have a few...

    Do you know which LAs have said they will be agencies? whatever they do they will have to follow the 'Childminder Agency Regulation' which as you know Ofsted are helping to shape...and that will be enshrined in law

    My LA has asked for information on becoming an agencyand I will be asking them a few questions when cms have a meeting with them next week
    Last edited by Simona; 27-06-2013 at 07:11 AM.

  14. #13
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    I guess a lot of current views regarding LAs are built on our past experiences.

    I was registered by social services. The person who registered me (an ex childminder) went on to work in the LA early years team. We had a wonderful team. Many of them were ex-childminders who knew & understood how we worked. They made sure training was put on at a time when childminders could attend and they made sure we were included in everything & really fought hard for us. Inspections were firm, but fair, and helpful. They would make suggestions, but realistic ones. They knew us, so had a better idea of how we each worked - not just a 3 hour snapshot like inspectors have now.

    As budgets were cut, our lovely Early Years team slowly shrank down to one part time worker, who had little knowledge of childminding. She did try her best, but couldn't keep up with the work as she just didn't have enough hours in the day. We were told we couldn't phone to speak to her, we had to email, but then the emails were rarely answered.

    I'd go back to pre-Ofsted times any day!

    I don't know if our LA is considering the agency route at the moment, but if they do, some local childminders have said they would be interested. They say a LA agency doesn't seem the same as a money-making business agency...if that makes sense!

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    I was registered before Ofsted too and I used to look forward to my inspections because I knew the person and she knew me and she used to be a childminder. I would go back to that anyday!

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    I was also registered before Ofsted and had inspections under LA. They were understanding and less formidable than inspections under Ofsted. My LA are quite helpful and run many of the training workshops in my area. I would be happier to be in an agency with them IF, and only if it was compulsary. I would still rather be independent and inspected by Ofsted but if that is no longer an options then I would go with the LA choice. Again it will be costly as members will be financially supporting the agency and the staffs wages

  19. #16
    Simona Guest


    But we do have an option at stay independent
    Let the pilots run and lets see what they reveal before thinking LAs' agencies is what we need or want to jump into

    Being in an agency means being the meantime there is a campaign 'Regulation Matters' for all practitioners to be makes no sense for us to be deregulated when all other are?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Simona View Post
    But we do have an option at stay independent
    Let the pilots run and lets see what they reveal before thinking LAs' agencies is what we need or want to jump into

    Being in an agency means being the meantime there is a campaign 'Regulation Matters' for all practitioners to be makes no sense for us to be deregulated when all other are?
    We fought very hard against deregulation last year... childminders made it very clear to Govt that we did not want to be deregulated because of the way that would affect the profession as a whole...

    LAs becoming agencies is a bit like stealth agencies - stay with us, we will help you, you already pay for training, what's a bit extra money, you know us, you like us...

    Not good - it still leads to deregulation

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  22. #18
    Simona Guest


    I agree Sarah and you know how strongly I feel about deregulation..the very reason I started the petition on the labour website exactly a year ago..I have not changed my mind!!

    I am hopping mad that suddenly LAs do not believe that individual inspections matter anymore while last year they were all against deregulation/agencies... now they have changed their mind?

    I know that my LA, Richmond upon Thames, have applied for info, will study the pilots before deciding or rushing into anything....We will have a few questions for them on Thursday night when we have a cms meeting

    I was speaking to someone this morning in a different LA (down south)...same there they have applied to pilot, I think they missed the dealine but will be ready eventually.
    They offer wonderful support to cms and have their own network model they want to base the agency on
    I argued that whatever they wanted to pilot an agency means 'deregulation', loss of Ofsted registration and inspection and eventually agency cms seen differently by the rest of the workforce.

    It is not that long ago we were all registered when Ofsted came in...we must stop cms talking themselves into joining simply because it is the LA...plenty has to come out of the pilots and we have time...there is also a consultation coming on agencies

    I also asked pacey a few questions and they have replied on pacey Local...take a look if you can
    One thing I learnt is that LAs can turn a network into an agency but it would not be a Pacey CCF model but LAs' own....that may explain why so many LAs have abandoned the CCF LA included!
    Last edited by Simona; 28-06-2013 at 03:41 PM.

  23. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mcgons View Post
    Sorry, the LA is Lancs, didn't leave that out intentionally.

    I was hoping to get more of an idea of what was appending locally, but they still don't really know themselves.

    In March our network said that the LA was proposing to stop using NCMA networks and develop their own so they could save money and have more consistency across the county. The LA has developed a 'portfolio' for childminders to use to keep a record of evidence and organise documents etc. This was supposed to be introduced in April, which we thought would be the end of the networks, but even though everything has been printed, they have not introduced them yet and don't know when they will either. The decision for this is higher up the chain.

    I've heard the budget for our local children's centres is going to be cut (maybe up to 30%?) so my network coordinator is unsure of what will be available for us support wise this time next year. I had to join the network to become accredited, and they mentioned last night about stopping LA inspections for accreditation, and use Ofsted inspection results, which actually I thought was happening anyway? But this leaves me wondering what will happen to my network and the support I will receive - didn't get any clarity on this as they just not know yet.

    Then at the meeting last night, the LA said they had accepted the opportunity to take part in trialling elements of childminder agencies, if I heard it right this was so they could see how they would work if they were to be introduced. I didn't get an answer to what they would be trialling and when and also where the childcare hub that 4children are piloting would be. So I don't feel any further forward in knowing what the proposals are for the area I work in = confusion!

    They have though been spending a lot of time on 2 yr old funding and are going to be promoting childminders to parents looking for spaces as the 2000 or so eligible in the pilot is going to jump to under 6500-7000 in Sept!
    Just thought I should update to say I thought our LA would be trialling agencies but actually they weren't successful in their application.

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  25. #20
    Simona Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Mcgons View Post
    Just thought I should update to say I thought our LA would be trialling agencies but actually they weren't successful in their application.
    Neither was mine but others have been and emailing cms to attend meetings
    Anyone heard if theirs is to pilot ah agency? are they asking for cms to volunteer? will you?
    have you seen the possible costs?

    I wonder how many of the 100 interested parties have been chosen?



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