This is a very strange question but I wonder if anyone has had a similar experience.
My husband and I rent. We are currently saving for a deposit for a house. I started childminding in September so I'm obviously going to need at least a couple of years' worth of books to show a mortgage company.
Doing mortgage calculations online the other day, I discovered that if I decrease my gross income by, say £3,000, if affects what I can borrow by £10,000. So, when claiming expenses and decreasing my gross income, it will have a negative affect on what I can eventually borrow.

My question is, can I not claim my expenses to increase my gross income? I know this means I will have to pay more tax (something that I've been putting aside for every month), but it will help me in the long run being able to get a bigger mortgage.
I just want to know if this is legal, above board, ok to do! I have searched for the answer online but I'm not having much luck!