Mr. Anchovy, if you could do some digging into this it would be really helpful to a lot of members I assume

Universal Credit, Self Employment and the Minimum Wage | the void

Universal Credit and the self employed | Universal Credit

Universal Credit : Self Employed ?? Then PLEASE READ.... | Edgware & London Accountants & Tax AdvisorsAmity


Self-employed claimants will have to report their income on a monthly basis. This monthly assessment period will run from the date the claimant first becomes entitled to UC. The earnings will have to be reported online within seven days of the end of the assessment period. For most businesses this is a tight deadline and many will struggle to get the required information together in time. Failure to meet this seven day deadline will result in the UC payments being suspended. If the report is not made with four weeks the UC will be terminated.

Both me and DH are self employed childminders and while our business showed a profit this tax year it would not be considered enough to live on... and so we are supplemented by Tax Credits, Our business is successful as I have invested very heavily in quality resources. The children go on lots of outings so they learn about real items not just pictures in books.

From reading the above articles, I am very very very scared...

but hey I can always reduce my expenses by not feeding the children - they don't need to eat do they?? I won't follow the healthy nutrition guidance any more??? white bread, value beans and biscuits for lunch and snacks every day will be ok won't they? Oh and we won't go out any more, can't afford the expenditure on the car...
Winter, parents will have to send children with multiple layers as we won't be having the heating on anymore... oh and every child will need to come with a torch, won't be using the electric. (said with tongue firmly in cheek)

With this, the slap in the face that is more great childcare, and the news that the unemployed will be encouraged to register as childminders.....

seriously?? why the heck do I bother....

one way ticket to somewhere warm please....