
  1. Recent inspection feedback - 04.2014

    Recent Ofsted inspection report feedback – what does it mean?

    A thread on the Independent Childminders Facebook group caused a lot of childminders concern - it was a list written by a Local Authority advisor who had combed through recent Ofsted reports for action comments.

    So... I thought it might be useful to unpick some of the Ofsted actions.

    Children’s starting points ‘not detailed enough’
    The recently revised Ofsted inspectors guidance ‘Evaluation ...
  2. Recent Ofsted inspection outcomes...

    Recent themes in Ofsted reports

    These have been put together since the new evaluation schedule (Oct 2013) was published.

    The evaluation schedule can be downloaded from here – - Ofsted document 120086

    In reports from Nov 2013 onwards the focus of outstanding practice is on –
    • Emotional attachments
    • Individual planning ...
  3. Dear Ofsted, childminders would like your support...

    A letter from Ofsted registered childminders given to Ofsted at a meeting inspired by the Ofsted Big Conversation - #OfstedBigConversation: Home.

    This letter has been written by Sarah Neville / Knutsford Childminding with input from childminders across the country.

    10th January 2014

    Dear Ofsted

    I know that I will be one of many early years providers attending this meeting today, so I have written this letter for you, which can be taken ...
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  4. Ofsted inspection feedback

    This feedback has been sent to Ofsted by childminders who want to engage with them in conversation about our inspection framework and outcomes.

    It will hopefully act as the starting point for a useful dialogue... PLA have kindly taken it to Ofsted on our behalf. It is not copyrighted - it is not signed by an individual - it is the work of many. I hope you find it interesting and a useful starting point if you want to write to Ofsted or if you are attending an 'Ofsted big conversation' ...
  5. Protecting information online

    No online medium is totally secure - anything and anyone online can be hacked - even secret US military installations!

    Your email - for example - how many times have you received messages in your inbox from friends which contain strange links? Or emails telling you that you have a beneficiary in Nigeria? Or emails giving you links to follow so you can get a tax refund? These emails are all received as a result of your email address being harvested by someone for their own purposes ...
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