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  1. A Merry Xmas

    I would Just like to wish all us childminder's a merry xmas as i am sure you are like me & some times have problem parents or just problem days & we all need a break so if you are closed xmas day well done if you like me have parents that want you open but wont pay extra were do we draw the line of home & work MERRY XMAS & HERES TO A GREAT 2014
  2. Eyt phew

    by , 15-12-2013 at 01:35 PM (New childminder and eyt!!)
    Right, well a busy week as usual.

    Spent all Saturday night catching up with learning journals, invoices and all paperwork, boring night, while hub had six mates over for a curry night!!

    Oh well up to date for a week, put the tree up and risk assessed it!

    Eyt stuff - this is getting to be a lot of work at the moment as suddenly got another email, asking for another 500 word report and to complete a survey for it! Already feel bogged now with it. Had to ...
  3. Eyt here goes.

    by , 06-12-2013 at 04:34 PM (New childminder and eyt!!)
    Anyway, not so quiet week.

    Had new starter and wish I hadn't now, only until July, but day two and already a pain!!!!! Live and learn! Keep smiling. He basically wants to do nothing! He has ipad at home and does that. Why can't he have tv on! No, we can play, paint, cook, park, play dough, make a castle, endless ideas and just wants to do ipad!!! Any suggestions as he starts reception in sept and his mum is concerned that he can hardly speak or know any numbers. Now I know why! ...
  4. So it Christmas time at Fussyelmos and that means lots of crafts

    So you give a childminder approx. 450 plastic cup, sellotape and a stapler.

    The end product is and the children are very chuffed with our big snowman
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Images
  5. continuing...

    by , 30-11-2013 at 12:45 PM (New childminder and eyt!!)

    Thank you Tulip, Im glad you enjoy reading this blog,

    Well this week has been quite quiet really. One enquiry visit, one meeting, 28 hours minding, my kids, cleaned oven and wrapped half the Christmas presents, wrote Christmas cards and cleaned, plus all other boring chores.

    Just been shopping and youngest moaning of sore feet, so need a trip to Clarks tomorrow, petrol run and finish Christmas shop.. Later Im off to kids party in busy soft play, and ...
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