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  1. Sick of repeating myself now!

    It's getting boring.

    Going round and round with the LA, going round and round with the DofE!

    Response from the DofE was practically a duplicate of the other responses, quoting the legislation (which I already know hence why I'm contacting you!), enclosing links to documents I already have, and thanking me for my time in contacting the DofE and hope I find the answer useful!

    Well quite frankly, I don't!
    Someone must speed read the messages, ...
  2. The wheels grind oh so very slowly

    So, still here.... Why is it when them's in power want something doing it's to be done yesterday, when it's little o'le me it's whenever they can be bothered to maybe get around to it and if we leave it long enough she might just go away

    Well, finally had a response from the LA following their meeting with the legal advisers - same stand, aint changing, well within their rights to insist on additional conditions blah de blah de blah

    I think to be honest they ...
  3. Finally a response from the LA - well, sort of..... :-/

    Having sorted out an email to my LA, informing them of the DofE's response, I pointed out that there appears to be some confusion on behalf of the LA and asked for their response.
    I received an automated message that there was no one available till the middle of the month, so I waited....

    and I waited.....

    and I waited some more......

    Eventually, I had enough of waiting and messaged to see if they had received my ...
  4. Finally a response from the D of E

    Well, having not received anything back from the Department of Education, I rang them on Monday to find out how long is 15 days lol. Even taking into account the bank holidays, I was well overdue a reply.

    The lovely lady I spoke to had to chase up my message sent from their website, and confirmed it had somehow 'got lost' ???? I didn't dare ask how on earth you lose an email
    Anyway, she found it, and sent it to the right department (even though I'd checked the ...
  5. Had to write to the DofE

    Received a response from the LA

    They are saying that:
    Clause A4.9 states that local authorities should 'Limit the conditions they place on providers who been rated as ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ to deliver funded places to those related to ensuring:

    · funded places are entirely free of charge to parents;

    · places are offered flexibly to meet the needs of parents;

    · the proper use of public funds; ...
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