All Blog Entries

  1. Space Bungee?

    My older mindees have been very taken with Felix Baumgartner's jump from space on Sunday, which they all watched live.

    Next time they would like him to try it wearing a bungee rope.

    Today was a 6am alarm call for a 7am start. I've got a stinking cold, I've got hair like Medusa, no make up on and I look like death warmed up. The parent's first words upon my opening the door? "Oh dear"
  2. Fun at Knutsford Childminding!

    Last week Knutsford Childminding welcomed a very special visitor - a bear called Archie who travelled all the way from Kent to stay with us!

    Archie was a good bear - he behaved well and was very polite and well mannered. The children remembered to brush his teeth and fur every night before bedtime.

    Archie joined in with all our activities including coming with us to feed the ducks, visiting the park, engaging in some risky tree climbing play, lots of den building, ...
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