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  1. Yaaaay For the little people

    Received confirmation from the DofE that :
    that the local authority will no longer be placing additional conditions on childminders judged ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ in order for them to receive funding to deliver early education places.

    Is this a definite win for the little person? Well, I hope so, provided of course the council don't sneak something else in due to my lack of knowledge lol

    Would like to thank ...

    Updated 24-12-2014 at 06:18 AM by Kiddleywinks

  2. DofE have now contacted the LA

    Finally, the DofE have raised the issue directly with the council and has asked them to clarify their position on funding ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ childminders who wish to deliver funded early education places.
    They will write again when they have had a response from the council.

    Can't wait...... (yes that is a hint of sarcasm )
  3. Sick of repeating myself now!

    It's getting boring.

    Going round and round with the LA, going round and round with the DofE!

    Response from the DofE was practically a duplicate of the other responses, quoting the legislation (which I already know hence why I'm contacting you!), enclosing links to documents I already have, and thanking me for my time in contacting the DofE and hope I find the answer useful!

    Well quite frankly, I don't!
    Someone must speed read the messages, ...
  4. The wheels grind oh so very slowly

    So, still here.... Why is it when them's in power want something doing it's to be done yesterday, when it's little o'le me it's whenever they can be bothered to maybe get around to it and if we leave it long enough she might just go away

    Well, finally had a response from the LA following their meeting with the legal advisers - same stand, aint changing, well within their rights to insist on additional conditions blah de blah de blah

    I think to be honest they ...
  5. Finally a response from the LA - well, sort of..... :-/

    Having sorted out an email to my LA, informing them of the DofE's response, I pointed out that there appears to be some confusion on behalf of the LA and asked for their response.
    I received an automated message that there was no one available till the middle of the month, so I waited....

    and I waited.....

    and I waited some more......

    Eventually, I had enough of waiting and messaged to see if they had received my ...
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