
  1. First day back

    First day back today after nearly 2 weeks off. Only had 4 so was a nice easy day. We did some painting and added some bits to our winter wall.

    Tomorrow will be a bit busier as we have 9 so should be a fun day.
  2. Christmas planning

    Christmas alphabet wall is nearly finished, just need something for the letters Q and Z so any ideas would be welcomed.

    Started to get recipes together for Xmas cakes, biscuits etc and have just ordered more Xmas craft things. I must admit we are starting to feel a bit christmasy now
  3. My day so far

    Just sat having a bit of lunch whilst 5 LO's are all asleep. Had a great day at the soft play area this morning, used up loads of energy.

    Off to pickup 6 from school this afternoon so just enjoying the peace whilst it lasts.

    Gonna go first little one is stirring.

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