New childminder and eyt!!
new childminder and eyt2
, 19-10-2013 at 02:35 PM (5652 Views)
So this is my second post and what a busy week.
I started my placement, nearly was late as couldn't find the entrance!!! Parked by the school gates to find them locked and with a small sign directing visitors around the back of the building. so raining and me nearly running around the corner in my boots-never wear boots or trousers or anything decent anymore, so bit of a scene. Anyway arrived on time and started in the reception class. What a morning, I loved it, helped with the reading, blending, robot arms, signs for the letters, cvc words, fred fingers! Did feel at times that I was in a different world with fred fingers and robot arms! but wow, really interesting. Even got a cup of tea and able to sit and drink it hot in the safety of the staff room while the kids ran around outside!!!! So that was the morning, then dash home (via picking up double buggy-another story), changed into jeans and tshirt (phew) and mindee arrived....
So then followed a busy week of minding, playdough, playgroup, music group and small toy play and general fun,oh and making cake labels, blowing up 180 balloons, cleaning house, cooking, childrens reading etc etc (yawn)
Then last nightt, dressed up as a witch to sell cakes at my sons School disco! what a busy night, at the end of it my feet were aching and ears ringing-definetly getting old, what happened to clubbing days. Can't wait for an early night tonight!!!! lol
Anyway, next week andther stint at my placement and cant wait. one mindee on holiday, so bit of a rest, but still got all my paperwork for eyt course, childminding Oh and childminding support worker is coming to see paperwork etc to prepare me ready for the first grading inspection!!!! ahhh scary times.
will let you all know how it goes next week.....any tips to share here???