22-03-2010, 09:24 AM
Right I am trying again to quit.
Harry ordered me the Quit Kit from the NHS, bless his heart.
I last had a ciggie about 10.30pm last night.
I am actually not doing to badly at the moment, I am just really really tired because J has been up half the night.
So excuse me if I type waffle over the next few days, or there are odd facebook status' - its just something to do!!! lol
22-03-2010, 09:38 AM
Read Allan Carr's book!
Get yourself some patches / a thingy you suck on / gum... whatever gets you through the first week without all the chemicals your body thinks it needs.
then when you're through the first few weeks wean yourself off the nicotine.
Don't try and do it on your own or all at once you are more likely to fail.
If there's a stop smoking group near you, join it!!
Good luck you can do it! :D
22-03-2010, 09:39 AM
Good luck :thumbsup:
22-03-2010, 09:51 AM
best of luck to you...will be hard work am sure but great when you acheive it
:clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
22-03-2010, 10:05 AM
good luck:thumbsup: your doing well already.xx
i thought i would be the last person who would be able to give up, but ive not had one for almost 3 years now:clapping:
22-03-2010, 10:07 AM
Good luck! it aint easy, after the first week it gets easier I promise. I had to stop drinking coffee when I stopped, as it my relaxer sitting down with a coffee and cig!
We are always here!
22-03-2010, 10:16 AM
Make sure you dont just stop and go cold turkey!! you need to use the patches or gum or the pen.
I know how hard it is as i gave up 5 years ago this May bank holiday. I used the patches for 1 week then found out i was pregnant so i had to go cold turkey but what an insentive i had to give up!!!
Wishing you lots of luck and your doing fab already
22-03-2010, 12:19 PM
Patches and the thing you suck will be a great halp.
That is how Mr O quit.
Good luck Pip, we are all here for ya xxx
22-03-2010, 12:43 PM
Thank you for the support guys:thumbsup:
I have kept busy but have sat down now and started troughing choccie - 1 Easter Egg I now have to replace:o
22-03-2010, 12:46 PM
Thank you for the support guys:thumbsup:
I have kept busy but have sat down now and started troughing choccie - 1 Easter Egg I now have to replace:o
Get some Grapes, you will be going thru the motions of moving your hand back and forward to your mouth, and grapes arnt fattening:D :thumbsup: xx
22-03-2010, 01:24 PM
Good luck!
22-03-2010, 03:01 PM
Get some Grapes, you will be going thru the motions of moving your hand back and forward to your mouth, and grapes arnt fattening:D :thumbsup: xx
but neither is choccie - is it??? or is that just my parallel universe???? lol
good thinking Orksome One:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
22-03-2010, 03:08 PM
Good for you Pip.
Sending lots of luck and stay strong vibes. XX
good luck pip i hope u do it this time , ill cross my fingers for u ..
22-03-2010, 05:00 PM
I have just given up and have now gone 7 weeks smoke free. It does get easier but i am still having the odd craving now. I have been using the patches and i also got myself an electronic cigarette. It is the same sort of thing as the inhulator that you get from the chemist except it works electronically. It just gives you a little kick of nicotine without all the chemicals that come in cigarettes but the best bit is that you inhale and then exhale what looks like smoke but is actually water vapour so there is no smell. You pay once for the cigarette but then just buy top up cartridges which come in loads of different flavours. I also ordered the quit kit from the NHS and to be honest it wasn't worth the hassle.
PM me if you want the website address for these as i don't know if i can advertise it on here.
Tam's Tribe
22-03-2010, 05:20 PM
Pip, giving up smoking is hard but achievable and really really worthwhile . . . I havent smoked for 10 years now but OMG I did enjoy smoking and know that I am only one ciggie away from being a smoker again . . . fell pregnant with my eldest and was SO SICK I couldnt smoke.
When you get the munchies, get a tupperware and put in carrot sticks, cherry tomatos, sugar snaps, cucumber, celery and use that to help you through the tough times and to keep your hands occupied. One day at a time . . . YOU CAN DO IT!!!! :thumbsup: . . . I KNOW YOU CAN . . . I KNOW YOU CAN :D
22-03-2010, 08:05 PM
Big hugs sweetie:thumbsup:
carrot sticks
celery sticks
bread sticks
fruit pieces:D
04-06-2010, 02:28 PM
How is it going Pip?
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