30-08-2008, 03:12 PM
To get details of the on-line Food Hygiene course click the link below.
Food Hygiene (
To see my review of this course and to see what others think, click here: Food Hygiene Course review (
Wow, can you believe it, finished the course 4am yesterday and certificate has arrived this morning. Post must be back to normal!
30-12-2008, 02:24 PM
Wow, can you believe it, finished the course 4am yesterday and certificate has arrived this morning. Post must be back to normal!
Fantastic, I wish our post was that quick!! :D
Hi. Re above course. Had email today from EY training people as I had informed them I had taken the course online. They say they are not aware of any online food hygiene course and would I send them the information about the course and where I got my information from so they can check it's an accepted certificate before it can be added to my training details. Anybody else had any problems with this? Sorry if this isn't where I should be asking this
06-01-2009, 07:20 AM
Shows you what they know then doesn't it!! :rolleyes:
Ofsted where really impressed with mine and it is them that matter at the end of the day not the EY team. :)
06-01-2009, 07:26 AM
Hi. Re above course. Had email today from EY training people as I had informed them I had taken the course online. They say they are not aware of any online food hygiene course and would I send them the information about the course and where I got my information from so they can check it's an accepted certificate before it can be added to my training details. Anybody else had any problems with this? Sorry if this isn't where I should be asking this
Thats a shame
Well any course that you do can only be a good thing so they should have been praising you
Hope they are impressed when they have checked it out
Angel xx
Thanks. As it's not compulsory anyway I thought any course was better than none. Going to email it all to them this morning and see what they have to say
10-04-2009, 04:41 PM
I know this is going to sound really thick but.... the food hygience couse is level 2 - Level 2 of what? I.e you can do a level 2 NVQ. Is it s recognised body? It has to be i suppose as if it wasnt anyone could just make one up, put it on the net and charge people to do it!!
Sorry if thats a stupid question! I'm having one of those days!!!
Nicole x
10-04-2009, 05:31 PM
I know this is going to sound really thick but.... the food hygience couse is level 2 - Level 2 of what? I.e you can do a level 2 NVQ. Is it s recognised body? It has to be i suppose as if it wasnt anyone could just make one up, put it on the net and charge people to do it!!
Sorry if thats a stupid question! I'm having one of those days!!!
Nicole x
Hi Nicole, you don't sound thick! We all have questions we don't know the answer to!
It's level 2 as in the first level is basic and the second level is more advanced.
15-05-2009, 08:38 PM
We all have to register round here now and need level 2 food hygeine.
The council are running courses but they are charging £15 and it takes 2 x 3 hour sessions or a whole saturday to do :panic: And there is a waiting list!
I just did it online. It took an hour to read all the onfo and 9 minutes to complete the test. I scored 90% too so very pleased!
15-05-2009, 08:50 PM
We all have to register round here now and need level 2 food hygeine.
The council are running courses but they are charging £15 and it takes 2 x 3 hour sessions or a whole saturday to do :panic: And there is a waiting list!
I just did it online. It took an hour to read all the onfo and 9 minutes to complete the test. I scored 90% too so very pleased!
Your the first I've heard that it is compulsory, suppose it won't be long until it is the same for all of us.
Well done on your score :thumbsup:
Lick'le Oakes
15-05-2009, 09:08 PM
I'm really confused (i know it don't take much) is this the same course as the CIEH which i have been told i have to do please
15-05-2009, 09:11 PM
I'm really confused (i know it don't take much) is this the same course as the CIEH which i have been told i have to do please
sorry but now I'm confused lol wot is the CIEH
15-05-2009, 09:14 PM
I'm really confused (i know it don't take much) is this the same course as the CIEH which i have been told i have to do please
It won't be the exact same course because different trainers uses different styles, if you get what I mean.
15-05-2009, 09:16 PM
sorry but now I'm confused lol wot is the CIEH
The chartered institute of environmental health
15-05-2009, 09:36 PM
Your the first I've heard that it is compulsory, suppose it won't be long until it is the same for all of us.
Well done on your score :thumbsup:
Yep, we all had letters last week with forms to fill in and register with environmental health.
If we are low risk, it is doubtful we will get a visit. High risk are subject to on the spot checks at anytime! We have been told that we need to deep clean our kitchens every 6 months :rolleyes: The world has gone mad!
We had to circle what we did and didnt provide for the minded children. Luckily I dont cook for them or make up formula feed and they all come with packed lunches so I am a low risk.
I dont know how they are going to police this though as come september I will have a 4 month old baby so will therefore be providing formula feeds.
Seems like this may well be rolled out accross the country, sorry should have posted in the main section to let you know we had been given the letter, will make a post tomorrow.
20-05-2009, 12:57 PM
Hi there, did this course last night in between doing the tea, kids bath & bed etc so took about 3-4 hours test took 8 mins scored 100% fantastic course would recomened to anyone thanx:clapping:
20-05-2009, 02:22 PM
Hi there, did this course last night in between doing the tea, kids bath & bed etc so took about 3-4 hours test took 8 mins scored 100% fantastic course would recomened to anyone thanx:clapping:
100% !!! wow well done!! :thumbsup:
As this thread is getting quite long I will repeat the link to the course again below for anyone who is interested:
Food Hygiene Course (
29-08-2009, 12:12 PM
Thank you for the information on this one. I am about to embark.
As I have 3 children of my own and no chance of going to college it is ideal for me.
Thank you again
29-08-2009, 12:34 PM
Good luck Shell. I must say I found it so much nicer than having to give up a day to go out to training! :)
29-08-2009, 03:29 PM
Thanks for recommending this Pauline, saves a wasted Saturday sitting in a classroom.
All done in an hour and a half and got 100% :)
29-08-2009, 04:05 PM
Thanks for recommending this Pauline, saves a wasted Saturday sitting in a classroom.
All done in an hour and a half and got 100% :)
YAY You!
You did better than me :thumbsup:
29-08-2009, 06:05 PM
Sorry Pauline
I should have said that I have experience from my former job as a quality assurance manager for a dairy, so I had a slight advantage :blush:
It was 20 yrs ago so it's nice to know my brain hasn't turned to complete mush! lol
29-08-2009, 08:46 PM
Sorry Pauline
I should have said that I have experience from my former job as a quality assurance manager for a dairy, so I had a slight advantage :blush:
It was 20 yrs ago so it's nice to know my brain hasn't turned to complete mush! lol
and amazing that it hasn't all changed since then - it would have had it been childminding! :laughing:
29-08-2009, 10:07 PM
I've just been reading the emails I received from Virtual College re the food hygiene certificate.
They've given me a code for me to give to other childminders. When you in turn sign up for the course, they credit my account with £5, up to a maximum of £25.00
If anyone decides to do the course and wants to use this code, I will donate the money back to Pauline's Big Swig Fundraiser.
Jan :)
30-08-2009, 09:09 AM
I've just been reading the emails I received from Virtual College re the food hygiene certificate.
They've given me a code for me to give to other childminders. When you in turn sign up for the course, they credit my account with £5, up to a maximum of £25.00
If anyone decides to do the course and wants to use this code, I will donate the money back to Pauline's Big Swig Fundraiser.
Jan :)
That's really kind of you Jan, thank you :thumbsup:
30-08-2009, 11:19 AM
The code is 1-1333002032
30-08-2009, 02:45 PM
Thank you Pauline. I have just completed and got 90% :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
I must say I prefered it to sitting in a room for the day.
Do they automatically send your certificate out to you?
30-08-2009, 07:15 PM
Thank you Pauline. I have just completed and got 90% :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
I must say I prefered it to sitting in a room for the day.
Do they automatically send your certificate out to you?
Well done! :thumbsup:
and yes they do, it usually arrives very quickly. :)
01-09-2009, 08:29 AM
Thanks for this link Pauline.
I received a letter from my local Environmental Health office this morning containing forms to fill in regarding my childminding food arrangements.
Will get onto this course asap as it beats their offer of a food hygiene course for £60 plus 2 late evening classes!!
Many thanks...will let you know how I get on ;)
08-09-2009, 09:28 AM
did my certificate last night in 1hr 30mins and got 93.3% ! (misread one of the questions and the other I really didnt know lol)
08-09-2009, 12:21 PM
did my certificate last night in 1hr 30mins and got 93.3% ! (misread one of the questions and the other I really didnt know lol)
Well done, that is still a great score :thumbsup:
08-09-2009, 03:21 PM
The code is 1-1333002032
Thanks to Twinkle's code there is another £5 in the Big Swig collection.Plus a very kind donation by Twinkle herself.
If anyone is thinking of doing the course please use the code when ordering as it is for a good cause, you can read more about the course here:
Food Hygiene (
and more about the collection here:
Thanks Twinkle :thumbsup:
20-11-2009, 10:16 AM
do ofsted take this as a recognised course taken as i have no time for college this would be great
20-11-2009, 05:33 PM
do ofsted take this as a recognised course taken as i have no time for college this would be great
Yes they were happy with mine and she looked at the certificate and said well done. :)
23-11-2009, 09:30 AM
I just completed this course, would recommend, really simple to do. I did it in approx 2 hours. My local school had in-house training for the same qualification and it took a WHOLE day to complete. I will be going back for some of their other courses.
I have had a call from environmental health asking what food I supply which is just snacks and lunch, they said they are carrying out visits on all childminders supplying food in my area (Essex). Has anyone had a visit? What will they do...root through my kitchen cupboards???????
23-11-2009, 02:15 PM
I just completed this course, would recommend, really simple to do. I did it in approx 2 hours. My local school had in-house training for the same qualification and it took a WHOLE day to complete. I will be going back for some of their other courses.
I have had a call from environmental health asking what food I supply which is just snacks and lunch, they said they are carrying out visits on all childminders supplying food in my area (Essex). Has anyone had a visit? What will they do...root through my kitchen cupboards???????
Well done Sarah :thumbsup:
As regards environmental health, they will chat with you about food hygiene, preparation and see where you prepare food, any pets etc.
Have you got a copy of the new Safer Food Better Business for Childminders?
There is a link somewhere. :)
23-11-2009, 08:34 PM
Yes thank you Pauline, I spotted the link previously, it has arrived and been completed.
Completed this this evening! Can't wait for the Cert to add to my wall :D
12-04-2010, 06:33 AM
Completed this this evening! Can't wait for the Cert to add to my wall :D
Yay, well done :clapping::clapping:
v 1461
04-06-2010, 06:40 PM
Just had a look at ukvc website. the course you are talking about is about £30 ! Is that right? Is it cheaper for childminder? do they do discount if I buy 3 or 4 courses with them?
thank you
04-06-2010, 08:07 PM
Just had a look at ukvc website. the course you are talking about is about £30 ! Is that right? Is it cheaper for childminder? do they do discount if I buy 3 or 4 courses with them?
thank you
Yes that is right. As far as I know it is not any cheaper for a childminder and I don't think they do any discounts :)
29-06-2010, 01:07 PM
Thanks for the link - need to do a course and get registered with Environmental Health so I can start to do meals for my new ones starting in Septmeber and don't have time to do a college course so this is a great help !!
04-07-2010, 11:08 AM
I can not thank you enough for this link :clapping:
I spent the day with my own family and passed the course last night when we were all winding down for the night - fab that I didnt have to give up more of my families own time :jump for joy: :jump for joy: :jump for joy:
04-07-2010, 03:22 PM
I can not thank you enough for this link :clapping:
I spent the day with my own family and passed the course last night when we were all winding down for the night - fab that I didnt have to give up more of my families own time :jump for joy: :jump for joy: :jump for joy:
You are welcome, that's great well done. :clapping:
11-09-2010, 06:26 PM
Just had a look at ukvc website. the course you are talking about is about £30 ! Is that right? Is it cheaper for childminder? do they do discount if I buy 3 or 4 courses with them?
thank you
I bought this course a while ago, just done it today (with only 1 wrong answer, yay!) and it gave me a code to get 10% off my next course, which will be handy :)
31-10-2010, 08:26 PM
I completed this tonight and got 96.67% so am so pleased will now do either child protection or safeguarding:)
31-10-2010, 10:14 PM
I completed this tonight and got 96.67% so am so pleased will now do either child protection or safeguarding:)
Well done you! :clapping::clapping:
mandy g 35
12-03-2011, 09:56 PM
have just completed this course, thankyou really interesting...pass:clapping:
13-03-2011, 09:47 AM
have just completed this course, thankyou really interesting...pass:clapping:
Wel done Mandy :thumbsup:
13-03-2011, 10:01 AM
Does it have to be the level 2 course or can it be the cheaper and shorter level one course?
Level 2 Food Safety & Hygiene for Catering (including City and Guilds Accredited Certificate) at £30
Level 1 Food Safety and Hygiene at £18
13-03-2011, 11:59 AM
Does it have to be the level 2 course or can it be the cheaper and shorter level one course?
Level 2 Food Safety & Hygiene for Catering (including City and Guilds Accredited Certificate) at £30
Level 1 Food Safety and Hygiene at £18
At the moment it is not compulsory for you to do any course so I suppose it is up to you which you choose to do?
13-03-2011, 12:01 PM
Thank you, :)
At the moment it is not compulsory for you to do any course so I suppose it is up to you which you choose to do?
i was told we HAD to have a food hygiene certificate ??
13-03-2011, 01:32 PM
i was told we HAD to have a food hygiene certificate ??
It depends on your local authority - some say it's a requirement when childminders register as a food business.
However it's not in the Eyfs or Childcare Registers so what Pauline means is it is not a statutory requirement for Ofsted.
Hope this clarifies :D
It depends on your local authority - some say it's a requirement when childminders register as a food business.
However it's not in the Eyfs or Childcare Registers so what Pauline means is it is not a statutory requirement for Ofsted.
Hope this clarifies :D
yes thanks :D
13-03-2011, 04:30 PM
EH Where really off with me about this course, that really made me mad!
They told me first it wouldn't be accredited and it is!!..and second we couldnt learn enough in 3 hours!
They where just picking on me I think!
I think the courses on virtual college are great and want to do all of them lol!!:laughing:
EH Where really off with me about this course, that really made me mad!
They told me first it wouldn't be accredited and it is!!..and second we couldnt learn enough in 3 hours!
They where just picking on me I think!
I think the courses on virtual college are great and want to do all of them lol!!:laughing:
Erin i was told on my first aid course that an online course wasnt good enough, i've done it but have you ever had an info from the early years team about a food hygiene course?? i hardly hear about any courses and the last one i would have loved to do but its a weekday :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
that drives me nuts :laughing: so online courses i do better than nothing :D
13-03-2011, 08:59 PM
Erin i was told on my first aid course that an online course wasnt good enough,
I can understand a first aid course would not be suitable online as you do not get the practical side of using the dummies. Understanding food hygiene is different in my opinion as you don't need to practice on anything :D
I can understand a first aid course would not be suitable online as you do not get the practical side of using the dummies. Understanding food hygiene is different in my opinion as you don't need to practice on anything :D
sorry i was told by the lady who did my first aid that an online food hygiene course was not "good enough" :rolleyes:
15-03-2011, 02:13 PM
Everyone says its good enough tbh..
I have just had the worst day ever!!
Cried my eyes out for 2 hours lol....
I had food hygiene out (that I invited so I could register to serve food last week)
2 girls came out, they nit picked at everything, I was so wound up and mad after they left. They told me my course was not up to standard my dog cannot sleep at night in kitchen (bare in mind I have 2 huskeys and they outside all day!!) fed outside and barly in contact with the kids. Prior to her coming I scrubbed my kitchen from top to bottom!!
I got my report today too, its terrible!! they have said my benches where "untidy" ?? dogs fed in kitchen?? Im sooo mad..I dont even know why there was 2 of them at my house but I rang them up and the poor guy had to listen to me crying for 20 mins...and now I have area manager ringing me back!!
She obviously doesnt like that I have animals!... My little girl has 2 heart conditions no-one would ever know how scatty I am about germs with her constantly got a bottle of antibacterial in my hand!!.... Now ive calmed down a bit I feel so sorry for the guy who had to listen to me winge.. and my eyes are all red and swollen now lol :) but now I have to tell the area manager all this tomorrow!!
Hebs...I going on a course on in a coulpe of weeks for behaviour managment..did u get that one??.... nothing for food hygiene, but you can do it through south tyneside council I think, but I never want to see them in my life again!..... xxx
i think they forget that this is our home too :rolleyes:
i laughed and told them i feed my dog at the table with the kids ;)
i got the info about the behaviour course, but (if its the same one) its a week day and i have 4 kids under 5 to provide care for so i cant do it, i'm gutted too as my son has ADHD and it would be interesting to see what they are advising people :laughing:
29-05-2011, 04:22 PM
Thanks for posting the food hygiene course!
I managed to do it in a day due to babysitting commitments
It was really good because i am out in Germany at the moment
So Thank-you:clapping:
07-06-2011, 08:37 AM
I did my course yesterday :clapping: . Really enjoyed it. Thank you for all the information.
09-06-2011, 07:07 AM
sorry i was told by the lady who did my first aid that an online food hygiene course was not "good enough" :rolleyes:
aybe it was the same women that came out to my house and then proceeded to report me to ofsted for letting my dogs "sleep" in the kitchen!!
and causing me a lot of unessesary agro!.. I do hope she does my next check! :laughing:
06-07-2011, 11:08 PM
Yippee 12.06am just finished my Food Hygiene course online :laughing:
Passed :clapping: now going to bed.
Thank you Pauline for the original post.
08-07-2011, 07:48 PM
To get details of the on-line Food Hygiene course click the link below.
Food Hygiene (
To see my review of this course and to see what others think, click here: Food Hygiene Course review (
Yay I passed :)
19-08-2011, 09:36 AM
Hi everyone i have just went on to virtual college today to do the food hygiene course, and they have discounted the course until the 30/09/2011, so instead of £30 it is £18 :)
hopefully somebody else can make use of this discount
19-08-2011, 10:05 AM
Hi everyone i have just went on to virtual college today to do the food hygiene course, and they have discounted the course until the 30/09/2011, so instead of £30 it is £18 :)
hopefully somebody else can make use of this discount
Thanks Stacey, if anyone needs to link it is here: Virtual College Food Hygiene (
19-08-2011, 01:53 PM
just did mine 96.6 1 question wrong really liked it used the code at the begining of link not sure if it benefits anyone hope it does
any recomendations for anymore online certificates????
thanks x:D
31-08-2011, 07:00 PM
any1 from wales has done this food hygiene course online?
has the cssiw accepted it?
theresa xxx :)
v 1461
29-09-2011, 01:08 PM
hi, done food hygiene course level 2 last week end.
I thought it would be more difficult than that and more in depth.
Received the certificate the next day, and only paid £16 so that was good.
thanks Pauline for discount
29-09-2011, 01:42 PM
hi, done food hygiene course level 2 last week end.
I thought it would be more difficult than that and more in depth.
Received the certificate the next day, and only paid £16 so that was good.
thanks Pauline for discount
You are welcome and congratulations on passing the course. :thumbsup:
Anyone else thinking of doing this course the offer has been extended to 30th November - see this thread:
03-10-2011, 02:02 PM
Yeah I've just finished this course in a day and passed! Great, thanks for the post Pauline as mine was reduced to £18 as well. Brilliant!!! Am going to laminate the certificate when it comes and put it on the wall in the kitchen!!!
Good luck to anyone else doing it! Love Claire Xxx
04-10-2011, 10:20 AM
Yeah I've just finished this course in a day and passed! Great, thanks for the post Pauline as mine was reduced to £18 as well. Brilliant!!! Am going to laminate the certificate when it comes and put it on the wall in the kitchen!!!
Good luck to anyone else doing it! Love Claire Xxx
Congratulations Claire :clapping:
claire & steve
19-10-2011, 05:46 PM
Hi all
Which level of food hygiene course do we have to have thanks:)
19-10-2011, 08:43 PM
Hi all
Which level of food hygiene course do we have to have thanks:)
The one in this thread is what we have all done and it is accepted by environmental health at their inspections. :)
16-01-2012, 01:36 PM
Just an update that this course is now on special offer.
and if you add the code CMFVC you will get a further 10% off. :thumbsup:
Food Hygiene Training (
Offer ends 14/3/12
19-02-2012, 12:46 PM
I have no mindees yet, is it a good idea to do this now so its done? Does then someone come out to inspect where I prepare food etc?
07-03-2012, 05:53 PM
I have no mindees yet, is it a good idea to do this now so its done? Does then someone come out to inspect where I prepare food etc?
The current offer ends on 14th March so if you want to do it I would suggest now to make the saving.
It depends where you live as to whether anyone comes out to inspect. :)
14-03-2012, 12:56 PM
We are having a bit of a nightmare with food hygiene training, our cdo booked the wrong course then the trainer didnt show up, so are now going down the on-line route. Thanks for the link Pauline even though the offer finishes today full price is still better than SCMA cost of £72 :D
14-03-2012, 03:59 PM
We are having a bit of a nightmare with food hygiene training, our cdo booked the wrong course then the trainer didnt show up, so are now going down the on-line route. Thanks for the link Pauline even though the offer finishes today full price is still better than SCMA cost of £72 :D
Glad to help Gizmo and good news, the offer has now been extended to 29th March 2012, although I think so long as you order before the offer date you can still do it in your own time so can complete after the offer date, if that makes sense. :thumbsup:
27-03-2012, 07:59 PM
I was going to book on this and just checked our LA site to see if it was the same as ours. Turns out that they also provide an online course, and all CM training is currently free :)
21-05-2012, 12:16 PM
Just completed this online in about two hours and also used the forum code, so was only £16.20.
Quite an interesting course!
28-05-2012, 08:51 AM
Does anyone know how long the certificate is valid for?
I done level 2 in food safety and hygiene in 2009, does this count?
Thank you
28-05-2012, 09:26 AM
Does anyone know how long the certificate is valid for?
I done level 2 in food safety and hygiene in 2009, does this count?
Thank you
Most say 3 years and then to do another because information and guidance changes so much in that time. :)
blue bear
28-05-2012, 09:10 PM
Looking it up, there is no dead line to renew as there is no expiry date on the certificate but every three years is considered good practice
25-07-2012, 09:09 PM
hi, i've just done the food hygiene course level 2 last week end.
I thought it would be more difficult than that and more in depth.
Received the certificate the next day, and only paid £16 so that was good.
thanks Pauline for discount
26-07-2012, 06:24 AM
hi, i've just done the food hygiene course level 2 last week end.
I thought it would be more difficult than that and more in depth.
Received the certificate the next day, and only paid £16 so that was good.
thanks Pauline for discount
You are very welcome, glad it helped and well done :thumbsup:
07-08-2012, 05:18 PM
Just used this forum for the first time, spotted the discount code for the Food Hygiene course and managed to purchase the training at the discounted price - so thank you! I think I am going to like being part of this forum lol x
08-08-2012, 11:22 AM
Just used this forum for the first time, spotted the discount code for the Food Hygiene course and managed to purchase the training at the discounted price - so thank you! I think I am going to like being part of this forum lol x
Well done Veronica :clapping: I think you will like being here too! :D
Marie 86
09-01-2013, 10:01 PM
Hi does anyone know any good food hygiene courses online or any other courses that will be useful as a childminder
Thanks in advance
I did the food hygiene on line yesterday, I would highly recomend it as mine due to end 1st feb, it was lovely studying at home at my own pace, it only took me a morning..... Printed of the certificate and now I am fully covered again, thanks x:laughing::laughing:
28-03-2013, 06:24 AM
Good morning,
Can you tell me please if I need to complete Level 1 and 2 of the Food Hygiene course or can I just skip to the Level 2?
17-04-2013, 11:48 AM
I can't seem to get the food hygiene course link to work from this thread - can anyone else spare a second to click on it and let me know if they got through pretty please :)
17-04-2013, 01:48 PM
I can't seem to get the food hygiene course link to work from this thread - can anyone else spare a second to click on it and let me know if they got through pretty please :)
They often change them :rolleyes:, try this one: Food Hygiene (
21-04-2013, 06:25 PM
Good morning,
Can you tell me please if I need to complete Level 1 and 2 of the Food Hygiene course or can I just skip to the Level 2?
Hi, can someone help me out with this please?
23-04-2013, 08:25 PM
Hi, can someone help me out with this please?
You can just do level 2 :)
22-05-2013, 09:26 PM
Hi everyone! I cant seem to get any of the links to work? Would someone be kind enough to link it for me again please? xx
23-05-2013, 10:35 AM
Is this the correct course guys?
Food Hygiene Course | Online Basic Food Hygiene Courses | Food Safety Course (
23-05-2013, 01:00 PM
Is this the correct course guys?
Food Hygiene Course | Online Basic Food Hygiene Courses | Food Safety Course (
Yes that's the one. Virtual college are a pain for changing the links to courses!
10-11-2014, 04:29 PM
This is probably a daft question.
I have just completed the basic food hygiene course. I did it through the gold member educare course.
So does this mean i have just done a wee course for CPD or does it mean i can start giving food to the children that i look after?
11-11-2014, 06:54 PM
This is probably a daft question.
I have just completed the basic food hygiene course. I did it through the gold member educare course.
So does this mean i have just done a wee course for CPD or does it mean i can start giving food to the children that i look after?
:) no such thing as a daft question!
having done the educare food hygiene course means you have done a course that counts towards your CPD AND that you can continue to give food to the children you care for, just that you have a better awareness of issues concerning food temperatures/contamination/storage/cooking etc. Food hygiene isn't a 'MUST DO' but it is a good one to do!
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