31-12-2024, 01:06 PM
Looks like it's going to be a windy one!

Do you have any plans? We are not sure what we're doing yet. We were going to pop to our 'local' pub (about a 20 minute walk away), but with the weather forecast, we're not sure we'll do that. We do have bits of buffet stuff, so we might just do that and have a cosy night in.

Did you watch any good TV over Christmas? One of our favourites was 'That Christmas'. Such a sweet film. DH and DD are about to pop into town quickly to collect some bits for a new recipe (we've all suddenly got into fermented foods as DD got a Tim Spector recipe book for Christmas), and so I am going to chill out and watch part 2 of the Call the Midwife Christmas special. Other than that, I'm doing a bit of decluttering on out big bookshelf.

Have a lovely evening, whatever your do. Keep warm. x

31-12-2024, 03:01 PM
Happy New Year :D

We're having a quiet one at home, just us. Too windy to go out and do our usual wander around the seafront! Might go and meet friends for a walk tomorrow if weather looks better.:laughing:

I'm getting my playroom sorted for next couple of weeks as i'm back working on 2nd Jan:panic: not sure what possessed me to say I would work then, but i'll only have a 2 yr old and a 3 yr old, so we're just going to potter and chill! no need for endless crafts/activities! I am however, keeping some of the Christmas toys/sensory play out for the next week or so. I was reading a thing ages ago about how schools/settings go 'all out' for a 'theme' and then when it has happened, put it away, move onto the next thing, and never mention it again! ... I was aware that i was a bit guilty of that, so for the past year i've been leaving activities out for the children to explore AFTER the event. It's been working well, and I slowly move us on!

I didn't watch much tv ... Call the Midwife, Dr Who and Outnumbered. I loved Outnumbered. It used to be one of my favourite shows, and seeing the children grown up, and coming back home ( and worrying that dad was going to stop paying the mobile phone contracts ) struck home, and yes, it wasn't as 'quick' and funny as it was, but it was like meeting up with family, and we've all grown and changed. And it did make me laugh!

We did play A LOT of UNO over Christmas! It has always been a favourite game of ours, and DD had taken a set to Uni with her ... Father Christmas put 'UNO FLIP' in her stocking and it's evil !!! you can 'flip' your cards over, and then everyone plays with totally different colours and cards! great fun, and very addictive! you think you've got the perfect card to win, and then you flip and NOPE, not a hope!:laughing:

Any New Year Resolutions??? As always, I'm going to aim to NOT buy any new toys/books/crafts unless craft bits have run out !!! OR, IF i do buy something new, then something has to LEAVE the playroom/house !!!! :laughing::thumbsup::laughing: I'm also not going to buy any new clothes/shoes, unless again, it is a necessity. ( I 'accidentally' bought myself a new winter coat in November for work, but my current one is fine, and will hopefully see out this winter !!! )

Happy New Year everyone, and take care, stay safe and have fun.:cheerleader:

Pixie dust
31-12-2024, 03:19 PM
Happy New Year !!

Quiet night in here too, we have just waved off the last of the family who have been here over the Christmas break, we have had a good clean and tidy through the house as I am back to work on the 2nd too. We have some family visiting tomorrow who we weren't able to see over Christmas.

I read about that too Loocyloo re keeping Christmas bits after Christmas so I have left my wooden figures out to see if the children will play with them.
I watched Call the midwife and Outnumbered that was it, I have a few things I would like to watch on catch up once DH is back to work.

I haven't thought about any New Years resolutions yet, good luck not buying anything :D

31-12-2024, 09:29 PM
We just watched Outnumbered! We also used to love it. It was a 'unconventional' theme for a Christmas special wasn't it? We did enjoy it though. How could I forget - we watched Gavin and Stacey! Loved it so much. I must confess that we also watched Squid Games. I don't usually like violent things at all, so I don't know why I like this so much.

Pixie, is your dog okay with the fireworks? Ours always has been ok, thank goodness.

I've always left all of my Christmas stuff out until the 6th and then everything has to go away, but I'm usually back at work before then, so they do get a couple of days to play with all the stuff.

I am having a bit of a clear out, but... One of my mindees told me that he was hoping Father Christmas would bring him a recycling truck. I mentioned it to his mum but she said she wasn't going to get him one as he has lots of other trucks. Well guess what I saw in the charity shop today - a recycling truck. I couldn't resist it and can't wait to see his face. It's pretty big though (the recycling truck - not his face, lol).

In terms of resolutions, I want to make an effort to keep the top of a unit in my playroom tidy. It's too high for the mindees to reach, but is a dumping ground for all of my stuff. I also want to be more assertive with my communication with parents - I want to be brave enough to keep asking what their future plans are so that I know well in advance when they are planning on moving on. We've had a few new nurseries open up around here, so competition for new mindees is tougher than ever.

I guess Jools Holland will be on TV tonight as usual. It always makes me think of Flora Dora!

Mouse - hope you are well. We've not heard much from you recently x

It sounds like you both had a lovely time with your families over Christmas.

01-01-2025, 10:29 AM
Happy new year to everybody. We had a quiet one. Had cheese and biscuits to see the new year in. So many loud fireworks here! Horrible weather here today. So staying cosied up inside. Back to work on 6th January. That’s an inset day here so thinking of a new year craft to start the year with x

01-01-2025, 03:07 PM
We always make calendars in the first week back!
Either a picture with calendar attached, or with the whole year on it already. Last year, one of mine set himself the task of drawing grids and dating/decorating for each month/ the whole year! Kept him very busy! :D

Pixie dust
01-01-2025, 07:31 PM
Happy new year to everybody. We had a quiet one. Had cheese and biscuits to see the new year in. So many loud fireworks here! Horrible weather here today. So staying cosied up inside. Back to work on 6th January. That’s an inset day here so thinking of a new year craft to start the year with x

We had cheese and biscuits too. The weather has been awful all day so have spent most of it reading or watching tv trying to pretend work isn't happening tomorrow.

Pixie dust
01-01-2025, 07:33 PM
Pixie, is your dog okay with the fireworks? Ours always has been ok, thank goodness.

Yes he is pretty good they don't seem to bother him but we haven't left him alone when its November 5th or New Year we have made sure we are home with the tv on etc.

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