19-12-2024, 09:07 PM
How are you all?

Have you finished work yet for the year? My last day is tomorrow. I've got a prospective parent coming around mid morning, then it will be buffet/party lunch for the little ones and then naps - while I wrap all of DD's presents whilst she is still at school. Thank goodness all the ones I have tomorrow all nap.

I had a baby over for her settling in session earlier this week. She and her mum seem lovely, thankfully. Dad was supposed to come but couldn't get away from work at the last minute, so mum asked if he could pop over in the holidays to meet me before the little one starts in the first week in January... Erm, no. I need to completely switch off thank you very much. ;)

19-12-2024, 10:29 PM

can dad pop in over the holidays ? !!!! NO !!!! well done for standing your ground !!!!

I've got a new little one starting in Jan ... dad hasn't been over, but does see me around/has done for past few years ... last week Dad mentioned popping over at some point, Mum said no before i could! - she told him he'd had his chance when she came over, and he hadn't taken it ( to be fair, he'd just come out of a 3 day stay in hospital, but i'm not arguing with her! ) !!!

tomorrow is my last day before 12 days off! ( and then, i've only got 2 in for the thurs/fri and we won't be doing much! ) ... we're going to meet friends for a walk and lunch out, then hopefully home and they will sleep whilst i tidy up, and then i'm aiming to NOT get ANYTHING out!!!! :laughing::laughing::laughing:

my children get home tomorrow evening and I can't wait. I did see them in early November but it's the longest we've gone without actually seeing them 'in real life' :D I'm just about ready ... got a food shop to do, and presents to wrap, oh and email cards to send, BUT THAT IS IT! :clapping: planning a calm and restful time.

and knowing that i always make a resolution not to buy any new toys/resources etc in the new year ... I've ended up buying a load just now :laughing: ... I saw a grimms semi circle board stacking/building thing on offer and just had to buy it! :huh: and sooooo many stickers ... i currently have some VERY sticker obsessed children ( but the rolls of stickers are soooo cheap on temu ... i don't mind if they use 500 in one sitting :laughing: )

have a wonderful Christmas everyone.

Pixie dust
20-12-2024, 08:09 AM
Have a restful break Maza and Loocyloo It's so great having our little catch ups through out the year thank you both's very quiet forum these days!

I am working Monday but I have to older ones no EYFS so they happily entertain themselves and are happy with a stack of paper/pens etc.

My baby (26) is coming home today for Christmas :clapping: I miss my children enormously but they are happily living their lives in different parts on the country and I so proud of what they have achieved.

I don't work Fridays so I am about to go food shopping then come home and make sure all work paperwork is up to date as I don't want to think about work over the break.

Good luck with your new little ones in January....I think I will be back to square one with mine.

Happy Christmas everyone!

20-12-2024, 08:01 PM
I love our little catch ups too Pixie. I get so excited when I log on and see a new post.

Hope you got your paperwork up to date Pixie. I need to make a few tweaks to my safeguarding policy to update it for new parents in January. I had a prospective parent round today and they want to take my last available space, so that's a nice end to the term. They don't need the space until March though, so I'll have the space empty (just a Friday) for Jan and Feb. It will be nice to have a quieter day though for a couple of months.

I didn't get ANY presents wrapped today when the mindees slept. I was just tidying up after our tea party.

Hope you both have a wonderful time with your children. x

21-12-2024, 01:48 PM
Happy Christmas to you both and everyone.

I too get excited when i see a new post!

I didn't do anything yesterday either!

I did a food shop this morning, and now can't get motivated. DD (age 19) has just had fun doing some gem art sticker things that i bought for the children :laughing::clapping::laughing:

26-12-2024, 01:02 PM
Happy Christmas for yesterday to everyone on here. I worked on Monday and my friend came round with the 4 she had too. We did a Xmas hunt in the garden, last minute crafts and games. It was quite a nice way to end our working year. No new ones here but the two I have are more than enough to keep me on my toes. Not back at work till 6th Jan so having a lazy break from work.

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