I know we always moan about the weather - but this year it really has been all over the place! So much rain!!!! Have you got your heating on? We've had it on very briefly for a couple of mornings, but not consistently because we've had a couple of random lovely days thrown in.
Are you full on autumn in your settings yet? We've got hints of autumn outside, but we haven't started any autumn crafts or stories yet.
25-09-2024, 12:32 PM
Heating isn't on yet, BUT, as I have an AGA in the kitchen ... it's always warm in there!
Yes, we've had freezing cold days, foggy days, sunny days, rainy days and everything in between! the children are coming in one outfit, with mums saying 'there are shorts/trousers/jumpers/tshirts in the bag' , not mention woolly hats AND sunhats !!! :laughing:
I'm not ready to do 'autumn' crafts yet! although some leaves are starting to fall off the trees. I always associate Blackberries with Autumn, but we've had ripe blackberries for weeks now! I don't even know where exactly my autumn books even are! somewhere in the bookcase!
25-09-2024, 12:55 PM
My heating was on when I got up a couple of days a couple of weeks ago and also came on one evening. But it hasn’t do since although I’ve been tempted a few times in the evening
We have collected some leaves to do sticking with but preschool are doing animal theme so we are enjoying doing that too.
25-09-2024, 05:30 PM
I haven't got the heating on yet but I have dug out the blankets and my fluffy socks!
Like loocyloo says, the children are arriving each day with wellies, sandals, jumpers, shorts, sun hats, coats and t-shirts!
We haven't started on Autumn themes yet. It just seems too early. Having said that, I have sorted out the autumn and Halloween books so they're ready for when we want them.
Pixie dust
25-09-2024, 06:37 PM
I haven't had the heating on yet but it has definitely got colder this last week and dark soo much earlier. I haven't started any Autumn activities yet but the leaves are falling off the local trees now so we will go out and collect some then the usual leaf printing etc.
On a separate note I have bought a Christmas present!
26-09-2024, 07:00 AM
Christmas :eeeek:
Drawing a total blank on inspiration for minded childrens presents this year! Also hard as i don't want to spend a fortune! Might do books for my littlest ones. I did see some cute cookie cutters/spatula sets in tkmaxx, but I'm not sure the families of the children (all almost 4) would actually use them!
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