16-08-2016, 05:03 PM
More information from PLA here -

16-08-2016, 05:40 PM .pdf

26-01-2017, 03:40 PM .pdf

Its all gone quiet on childminder agencies, I know there has only been one more registered but does this mean they are all dying a death? Since Sam Gymiah went the new ministers are a lot less vocal on this stuff

31-01-2017, 07:19 PM
Not sure they're dying a death as such, more that the powers that be expected us all to run with open arms into the abyss and of course, very few actually did.

Sarah received an email from an agency last week asking her why she supported childminders that wanted to stay independent and whether her views on agencies had changed, so whilst they aren't as high profile at the moment, don't be lulled into believing they're going away.
So much money has been thrown in their direction I personally can't see them going too quietly.

Slowly but surely local LA support is dwindling away.
Newcomers may still get dragged into the agency system, not realising there is a realistic chance of getting supported through the independent childminders fb group, or here, or with the guides Sarah sorts out with, without having to join an agency... All we can do is advise/point interested people to the support that IS available away from agencies and hope they realise what we already know - Independence is the way forward :thumbsup:

31-01-2017, 08:01 PM
Thank you for that sign post Sarah. I've read the inspection report now and it does seem that they were thorough in their inspection.
What I don't understand is why this particular agency is the only one that has been inspected when there are others that were registered earlier than Leap ahead.

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