13-07-2015, 02:44 PM
'46. The introduction in September 2014 of childminder
agencies, where parents would be able to find a
local childminder by contacting an agency, has
yet to take off. To date, Ofsted has registered five
agencies. As of June 2015, no childminders were
registered with agencies.'

13-07-2015, 08:36 PM
I'll have a proper read tomorrow.

The bits I read did seem quite complimentary to childminders, so I hope I haven't just read the good bits!

13-07-2015, 09:38 PM
Where can we get a hardcopy please?

13-07-2015, 10:18 PM
I've skimmed it at the min, but it looks pretty good so thanks for the share. No CMs registered with an agency that calls for a big LOL!!!!

14-07-2015, 09:00 AM
This is the bit I found very interesting...incentives to bring those CMs who have resigned to come back??
Ofsted created the crisis and now face reality when 30 hours and lack of places is looming large?
Wilshaw did use praise for cms when last year he told parents to put their child in a school not the 'local cm'.

50. There are 15,000 childminders who have resigned their registration
between 1 September 2008 and 30 April 2015. Pressures on capacity may
create incentives to consider drawing childminders from this cohort back
into the sector. However, the level of performance of these childminders is
less likely to be high, with only 60% good or outstanding. Feedback from
the sector suggests that some resignations will have been in response to
higher expectations in the EYFS about support for children’s learning and
development. Because childminders are home-based and self-employed,
it is also likely to be the case that many inactive childminders are not
taking children because childminding no longer suits their home life and

Another bit that made me laugh is that the EYFS was reviewed by Dame Alice Tickell? that I am aware of her name is Clare!

14-07-2015, 09:07 AM
Another bit that made me laugh is that the EYFS was reviewed by Dame Alice Tickell? that I am aware of her name is Clare!

A quick goggle search tells us that she is Dame Oriana Clare Tickell. Perhaps Alice is his pet name for her :laughing:

14-07-2015, 09:39 AM
A quick goggle search tells us that she is Dame Oriana Clare Tickell. Perhaps Alice is his pet name for her :laughing:

I wonder if she has noticed her change of name? I follow her on comment so far.

Natiou82...certainly a relief no one has registered with an agency yet.....I wait with baited breath to hear about our EY team's own agency as they were the last to be registered recently.
So far they have told us they have passed the registration...will any cm join?

18-07-2015, 07:25 AM
'46. The introduction in September 2014 of childminder
agencies, where parents would be able to find a
local childminder by contacting an agency, has
yet to take off. To date, Ofsted has registered five
agencies. As of June 2015, no childminders were
registered with agencies.'

At the time this Ofsted report was published there were actually 6 agencies registered as Agency 12 was registered in June.

We now know they are called City Childcare CMA and listed on the Ofsted website
Ofsted | Search results: Inspection Reports (

28-08-2015, 10:02 AM
Aarrgghh! It's Black Friday for me.

Our LA Cm agency has just announced on Twitter they are the 1st in the country to register 'a' CM.
So I went to check their website they posted the link too.

Achieving for Children | Childminder Agency (

28-08-2015, 10:58 AM
Aarrgghh! It's Black Friday for me.

Our LA Cm agency has just announced on Twitter they are the 1st in the country to register 'a' CM.
So I went to check their website they posted the link too.

Achieving for Children | Childminder Agency (

and finally a price list for registering with an agency- £300 per year

28-08-2015, 11:10 AM
and finally a price list for registering with an agency- £300 per year

That we knew for a long time...however...I believe that is just the m'ship package in order to join.
unless this has changed from our last meeting training is in addition and our LA is not eyes and ears are wide open shut!

Also mentioned...the agency will support their CMs while at the same time supporting ICMs....conflict of interest to be sure! And I was not the only one to raise this issue

28-08-2015, 11:24 AM
That we knew for a long time...however...I believe that is just the m'ship package in order to join.
unless this has changed from our last meeting training is in addition and our LA is not eyes and ears are wide open shut!

Also mentioned...the agency will support their CMs while at the same time supporting ICMs....conflict of interest to be sure! And I was not the only one to raise this issue

The £300 annual package includes 'Up to 16 hours bespoke training, networking and workshops to add to your CPD'
But what that actually means...?

28-08-2015, 11:48 AM
The £300 annual package includes 'Up to 16 hours bespoke training, networking and workshops to add to your CPD'
But what that actually means...?

I found the info confusing so I sent them a tweet
I was asked to email them so they would address this for thanks!

I remember the info given at the meeting and it does not add up...unless my memory is dodgy!

28-08-2015, 01:18 PM
We will no doubt discover more soon!

28-08-2015, 03:29 PM
Our LA Cm agency has just announced on Twitter they are the 1st in the country to register 'a' CM.

I wonder how many parents are flocking to sign up to use that solitary childminder? I wonder how many cms an agency feel they will need before they can start offering their services to parents?

29-08-2015, 07:18 AM
Aarrgghh! It's Black Friday for me.

Our LA Cm agency has just announced on Twitter they are the 1st in the country to register 'a' CM.
So I went to check their website they posted the link too.

Achieving for Children | Childminder Agency (

Maybe they offered this cm a free membership :D

29-08-2015, 08:35 AM
I am not really worried whether the cm was 'deregistered' for free or paid a hefty sum to do so or thought that getting a 10% discount was such a bargain!

The main concern here is that there are another 10 cms waiting to do the same and I am sure that will happen.

We can take this seriously, joke or be sarcastic about it but in a way history has been made and childminding will never be the same...some will accept agencies, others never will.

The issue remains the same...there will be 2 tiers of cms and we were unable to stop this from happening.
Also remember talking about agencies is one thing...having one on your doorstep in quite another....they do have a very wide reach

25-09-2015, 07:35 PM
2 CMs are now registered with my LA agency and 12 are in the process of registering.

25-09-2015, 08:15 PM
As a new childminder, with 3 children via the agency ...£300 is not a lot! Help and support to register etc... Though what they will do on the DBS check for £20 is beyond me!
I hate to say this but I think it is quite an attractive package for newbies.
So the issue is how will this effect current independent childminders? are now advertising and more and more parents will be accessing it...but really ...when you think about the access to parents, courses, this forum, advice and Sarah's info ( 👏) we do really well financially on annual costs.
Big thanks to admin for this.
I think ( and hope) that the agencies will Bob alongside current independent childminders, if your ofsted grade is ok or your word of mouth reference is fine, parents won't want to pay an agency either.
Must be an unsettling thought though's the unknown.

25-09-2015, 10:03 PM
As a new childminder, with 3 children via the agency ...£300 is not a lot! Help and support to register etc... Though what they will do on the DBS check for £20 is beyond me!
I hate to say this but I think it is quite an attractive package for newbies.
So the issue is how will this effect current independent childminders? are now advertising and more and more parents will be accessing it...but really ...when you think about the access to parents, courses, this forum, advice and Sarah's info ( 👏) we do really well financially on annual costs.
Big thanks to admin for this.
I think ( and hope) that the agencies will Bob alongside current independent childminders, if your ofsted grade is ok or your word of mouth reference is fine, parents won't want to pay an agency either.
Must be an unsettling thought though's the unknown.

That is only the basic package....there is much more to pay on top of that....that is my understanding.
Attractive?...depends on how cms see this...those registering are CMs giving up their Ofsted registration to return to a Network prescriptive style and I know why they are doing it as I know who is running the agency.

Will it affect local CMs?......of course it will and will have repercussion on CMs as a whole ....competition is only part of it......luckily we have people monitoring this at local level.

My view is that agencies will not Bob along ...they are a threat to CMs after 35 years of trying to achieve is not a Question of competition is a question of accepting 'deregulation' for CMs and accepting agency as a fait accompli....the vast majority will reject this

I can' t comment on or the support given here as I have not experienced it but appreciate the support it provides for many CMs.....the miniute we accept agencies we are doomed and unfortunately it feels like that is exactly what is happening as long as the agency is not on our doorstep nothing to worry about....I differ on that.

At a time when Ofsted is calling for closer links within the sector CMs are being divided in 2 distinctive groups and 2 tiers are being created just like when we had the dreaded CMs Networks...history repeats itself!

Luckily I am out of it but will continue to voice my strong resistance to agencies and what it will mean for CMs in the long is not the Unknown is reality.
Only time will tell.

29-09-2015, 02:25 PM
It makes me so pleased that I am not actively looking for any more children as I am winding down and aiming to finish as soon as possible and by July 2016 at the latest. The last one I have is just 4 and goes to school nursery for mornings and comes to me for 4 afternoons, my granddaughter comes a couple of days a week and normally all weekend, so this is all I will be doing.
I was a member of a network many years ago and although the training and get togethers were okay even in the network there was a 2 tier system which I didn't think was right, this was caused by some wanting to offer the funding and others didn't or were having to go through extra training to be able to do it. I really would not like to be starting out now.

30-09-2015, 08:59 AM
It makes me so pleased that I am not actively looking for any more children as I am winding down and aiming to finish as soon as possible and by July 2016 at the latest. The last one I have is just 4 and goes to school nursery for mornings and comes to me for 4 afternoons, my granddaughter comes a couple of days a week and normally all weekend, so this is all I will be doing.
I was a member of a network many years ago and although the training and get togethers were okay even in the network there was a 2 tier system which I didn't think was right, this was caused by some wanting to offer the funding and others didn't or were having to go through extra training to be able to do it. I really would not like to be starting out now.

I remember those days very well Teacake2...and I had hoped we had put them behind us for ever and CMs would never have to go through the divisive 2 tier system again.
It is in a way good to her another CM express the same concerns on the old system which is slowly being reintroduced without much opposition.

Good luck whatever you do in future...sounds like another cm giving up which is a shame but there is life after Childminding and I am sure you will enjoy it.

20-10-2015, 02:53 PM
just had this email from @homechildcare

The special childminder agency briefing planned for the 4th November has been postponed until January 2016 to allow time for us to complete the process of registering as a childminder agency.

We will be in touch with news of our registration soon.

Kind Regards,

Liliana Blach


20-10-2015, 07:25 PM
I've had this email too mamatothree I'm currently studying my level 3 with them and I am intrigued! Although I would never join an agency I may attend this meeting in the new year. Are you based in Nottingham?

21-10-2015, 07:02 AM
I've had this email too mamatothree I'm currently studying my level 3 with them and I am intrigued! Although I would never join an agency I may attend this meeting in the new year. Are you based in Nottingham?

about 15 miles north , but I have studied with them previously.
Im actually annoyed they are using my information , and think its outside the terms of the data protection act. But I'm reluctant to ask to come off their mailing list as I want to know what theyre up to!!

21-10-2015, 12:43 PM
My assessor came today and she mentioned they've had their ofsted inspection to become an agency, she didn't go into any further detail and I didn't want to put her on the spot. It's clear they want to wait until Jan to go through the ins and outs.

21-10-2015, 08:29 PM
My assessor came today and she mentioned they've had their ofsted inspection to become an agency, she didn't go into any further detail and I didn't want to put her on the spot. It's clear they want to wait until Jan to go through the ins and outs.

That would be their pre registration visit....mmmm!
Maybe they had issues to address...which is normal if not all requirements are in place

Mama2three...I hope you go!
Our local agency now has 5 registered cms....they said 10 were undergoing the registration not a long time ago...they are turning them out fast :angry:
They have just had a launch with the Mayor attending...can't tell you how cross I am !

20-12-2015, 10:20 AM
For those interested in keeping updated please follow the Foundation Years website.
4 Children have just announced a new round of workshops/events...up and down the country but mainly up North, one in London and one in the start selling the agency idea again.

I received an email on Friday 18 December....make sure you subscribe to their newsletter to get it :thumbsup:

20-12-2015, 11:06 AM
I've noticed there are 8 agencies registered now, the latest one being registration number 17. I wonder what's happened to the others?

Interestingly, one of them looks like it's run by 3 childminders.

20-12-2015, 03:36 PM
I've noticed there are 8 agencies registered now, the latest one being registration number 17. I wonder what's happened to the others?

Interestingly, one of them looks like it's run by 3 childminders.

I noticed that, and wondered too!

20-12-2015, 05:08 PM
One is @homechildcare and they have said they have some people signed up - new CMs just registering.

21-12-2015, 08:47 AM
CMs agencies are registered by the number allocated to them at registration application...or so it seems......that may explain the reason why.

As an example...Agency 17 may already be registered but Agency 7 is still having to undergo the pre registration visit although they have applied a while back

The agency in my area is CA000010....and were registered recently
call Ofsted or, even better, ask 4 Children and they will explain to you.

What you are seeing on the Ofsted website is those agencies already registered but none of them have been inspected although they may have CMs on their books now....I don't think you can see those agencies 'in the process' of registering.

Keep your eyes and ears open.

21-12-2015, 09:52 AM
CMs agencies are registered by the number allocated to them at registration application...or so it seems......that may explain the reason why.

As an example...Agency 17 may already be registered but Agency 7 is still having to undergo the pre registration visit although they have applied a while back


Yes, that's what I assume.

Numbers 3 and 4 are missing, so not yet registered, whereas numbers 2 and 5 were registered over a year ago. You'd guess the missing ones must have put their applications in at a similar time so you wonder why they're still not registered a year later. Is it taking them that long, or have they decided not to go ahead with it after all?

I keep looking out for the first agency being inspected. I'm sure there'll be a big fanfare surrounding it when it does happen - assuming it's a good outcome!

21-12-2015, 10:14 AM
Yes, that's what I assume.

Numbers 3 and 4 are missing, so not yet registered, whereas numbers 2 and 5 were registered over a year ago. You'd guess the missing ones must have put their applications in at a similar time so you wonder why they're still not registered a year later. Is it taking them that long, or have they decided not to go ahead with it after all?

I keep looking out for the first agency being inspected. I'm sure there'll be a big fanfare surrounding it when it does happen - assuming it's a good outcome!

The Ofsted Framework for the Regulation of cms agencies (Ref 140146) allows for an agency to 'withdraw' their application or for Ofsted to refuse to register that agency...p11 is clear on that.
It maybe those agencies have withdrawn or are still putting together the required support and base for the agency to fulfil the criteria and pass the pre-registration visit

No agency has been inspected because Ofsted do not yet...have a framework for inspecting them.
That was the latest I heard unless that has changed? but I cannot find such guidance on their website.
I confess I can't even find the list of registered agencies on the Ofsted website :angry:

It begs the questions how long can a registered cm agency with cms on their books go without inspection? has this been raised? it within 30 months like anyone else?
I have that question down for London OBC!

The coming events with 4 Children may shed a light on all these unanswered questions and many more on what the agencies are now looking for.

blue bear
25-12-2015, 05:45 PM
The Ofsted Framework for the Regulation of cms agencies (Ref 140146) allows for an agency to 'withdraw' their application or for Ofsted to refuse to register that agency...p11 is clear on that.
It maybe those agencies have withdrawn or are still putting together the required support and base for the agency to fulfil the criteria and pass the pre-registration visit

No agency has been inspected because Ofsted do not yet...have a framework for inspecting them.
That was the latest I heard unless that has changed? but I cannot find such guidance on their website.
I confess I can't even find the list of registered agencies on the Ofsted website :angry:

It begs the questions how long can a registered cm agency with cms on their books go without inspection? has this been raised? it within 30 months like anyone else?
I have that question down for London OBC!

The coming events with 4 Children may shed a light on all these unanswered questions and many more on what the agencies are now looking for.

Ofsted | Search results: Inspection Reports (

28-12-2015, 01:35 PM
And does one of them have any childminders registered?

After 15 months it says quite a lot that no childminders have joined Agencies. Mrs Truss really succeeded!?

29-12-2015, 11:13 AM
Thank you so much for the link Blue Bear!

Rickysmiths...yes the agency in my area has already several registered Cms on their books.
It was well publicised and there was a ceremony locally to celebrate the achievement....if we can call it that!
If you google Leap Ahead Cms agency you will find more information. I have no doubt more cms are being registered with the agency at this very moment.

30-12-2015, 09:11 AM
Also look out for Sam Gyimah's endorsement of the agency
Here is the link in case you could not find News for details

Achieving for Children | Childminder Agency (

The Agency is run by the Social Enterprise 'Achieving for Children' set up between 2 of the first doing so.

Did anyone read in the news about David Cameron's visit to AfC very recently and endorsing their various practices which is mainly outsourcing and privatising children's services? for thought !.

12-01-2016, 10:35 AM
Latest email from @home childcare

This is the second information briefings we are holding for existing childminders to find out more information about childminder agencies. This briefing is aimed at childminders based in north of the county.

On the panel to answer childminder's questions will be:
xxxxxxxx, an ex-childminder and Early Years Advisor from the children's charity and strategic partner of the Department of Education, 4Children
Representatives from Nottinghamshire Early Years team
Yvette Oliver-Mighten, chief executive of @Home Childcare and Orange Moon Childcare Community Interest Company
This is an unique opportunity to get information about Ofsted regulated childminder agencies are about!

Find out:

What this means for CMA registered childminders and families using their childcare service
The difference between registering with an Ofsted regulated CMA or directly with Ofsted
Information about @Home Childcare childminder agency and our social enterprise
CMA services on offer to independent registered childminders
Information about 30 hours of free childcare and opportunities for childminders
This is a first come, first served invitation only event. To avoid disappointment, please confirm your attendance ASAP. Your Eventbrite ticket will be required, either on your phone or printed on paper, to gain access to this event.

We hope you can make it.

@Home Childcare

Im goint to attend , mainly to get an idea of how my own business may be effected! Anyone think of any pertinent questions I should be asking?

12-01-2016, 11:15 AM
They must be really confident if they think the event will be oversubscribed I would have thought they would have just wanted to get as many there as possible and not restrict attendance.

Are they a new Agency only for your area and if not how many cm are registered with them and are they at the meeting so you can ask what their experience is?

Will they regulate what fees you charge?

Will there be any additional paperwork over and above what is required by EYFS or as you won't be directly Registered by Ofsted will you no longer have EYFS?

What will they charge cm for membership and the min cpd that has to be provided. First Aid, Child protection and in some areas Food Hygiene?

Will they have a pool of resources available so Triple buggies, additional High chairs, Travel Cots toys so if you have children of different age groups etc you don't always have to buy additional stuff that may only be needed for a short time?

How often will they visit you?

Will they conduct actual inspections and if they do how frequently?

What experience of how a a CM work do they have?

12-01-2016, 11:15 AM
Each agency will have its own model mam2three...@home childcare has one thing in common with our : they are both Social Enterprises but how they deliver their agency is up to them

The other common matter is they also offer help to 'Ofsted Registered CM'...same as here but how, why and at what cost?
how will this support not be a conflict of interest?
Who are newly registering cms referred to when they first approach their LA for briefings?

These meetings are usually attended by Sue Robb, head of 4 children who has received a grant for 2015/2016 to push agencies
The other person who attends is Sarah Read...her assistant...we have met both here....all very open and clear.
The push to register quickly to attend is just a con as these meetings are not well attended until they get to our LAs..

I could offer dozens of questions as I did ask several at our meetings
One burning one is why does Ofsted not attend these meetings?
why has there been no inspection of agencies so far?
why the perceived blanket of silence on agencies?
since agencies were supposed to recruit more Cms and raise standards is this still pertinent when cms have raised their quality?

Good luck and thank you for keeping us informed.

12-01-2016, 11:44 AM
As you know I'm attending this briefing also as I want to be well informed. I have been studying my level 3 with them. They already have an agency type model for nannies and I think that's been running a while. They also offer level 2 training and the opportunity for those receiving training to be CM apprentices (I have been approached a couple of times to take on an apprentice). A local CM currently has 2 apprentices working with her. I think the trainees they already have on their books will be prime targets to join their model. I've also had an email asking if I wanted to be a mentor for new CMs. I'll be totally honest, I think they could make this work and it is a worry. I have a decent network of CMs and some are already interested in what support they can offer independents - like Simona to me it seems a conflict of interests. But we have a lack of LA support and they have already got behind this agency, the flyer for the briefing has been emailed out by them today. Once I've attended I'll fill you all in. Just to be very clear I am fiercely independent and only attending to find out what they up to!

12-01-2016, 11:49 AM
Thank you. mama2three please do keep us informed.
Questions, will each cm be responsible for their own individual policies, risk assessments, sef type document, learning journeys etc or will they start with a folder stuffed with 'these are our blanket policies, our learning journeys etc follow them and nothing else, everybody on our books is equal'.

Simona has raised my other question. Fees. This will be interesting as I'm sure one of there big selling points to parents will be offering the full 30 hours. I wonder how they will persuade the new cm's to take this on? How will they survive financially? Will they also tell them what to charge for the remaining hours the lo is with them?

Plus Simona, with regards to them 'get your ticket quickly or else' or something to that effect, surely is this not to create a mild panic in the cm's out there dithering or undecided about what to do. 'I better get my ticket quickly because it seems a lot of others are?' Type senerio.

I think they will be prepared for a lot of cm's sitting in the audience, like mama2three, gaining information only. So she may come away with a lot of unanswered questions. 'Sign here, pay xxx and we'll tell you more'. We'll have to wait and see.

12-01-2016, 12:25 PM
Thank you. mama2three please do keep us informed.
Questions, will each cm be responsible for their own individual policies, risk assessments, sef type document, learning journeys etc or will they start with a folder stuffed with 'these are our blanket policies, our learning journeys etc follow them and nothing else, everybody on our books is equal'.

Simona has raised my other question. Fees. This will be interesting as I'm sure one of there big selling points to parents will be offering the full 30 hours. I wonder how they will persuade the new cm's to take this on? How will they survive financially? Will they also tell them what to charge for the remaining hours the lo is with them?

Plus Simona, with regards to them 'get your ticket quickly or else' or something to that effect, surely is this not to create a mild panic in the cm's out there dithering or undecided about what to do. 'I better get my ticket quickly because it seems a lot of others are?' Type senerio.

I think they will be prepared for a lot of cm's sitting in the audience, like mama2three, gaining information only. So she may come away with a lot of unanswered questions. 'Sign here, pay xxx and we'll tell you more'. We'll have to wait and see.

I think you have misunderstood what I meant and it was not to cause panic having attended quite a few meetings about agencies and even questioned Ofsted itself for the last 3 years.
Out of 650 cms in our joint LAs around 50 turned up for the Sue Robb lecture.
Some will be sitting there but others will ask pertinent questions we did and they were minuted.

I am certain there is an underlying message most meetings now are via Evenbright....I have a few in my diary to attend in the next few months... even OBC ones are done that way now.

We are all thankful to mamato3 for keeping us informed ...I have to say I have done the same and looks like it has been ignored when we have an agency on our doorstep and anyone can see it has cms on their books and galloping ahead

What an agency will do in terms of paperwork is clearly stated in the Ofsted Sue Robb told us 'an agency is a cms Network with another name' except cms are deregulated...main point! plus all their cms will be Quality Assured....another discrepancy because the rest can't do that easily.

You mention fees...for a start the Ofsted registration fee will go up and I am sure it will do so for agencies their package will be updated...what they pay now is not going to stay the same...would you think so too?

Cms are going for information ...yes and much more such as finding out the pros and cons and looking at their own business model....fighting their corner in other words.

Also agencies will be looking for mentors as Natlou says...cms with experience who will support agency cms in their obligatory 16 hours of CPPD...mentors may also not be paid and asking to volunteer to extend their experience...check that out Natlou! and keep that 'conflict of interest' question going...there is certainly that in our agency where the same co-ordinators support ALL cms?...that campaign is ongoing here

Agency cms still have to follow the EYFS, what they charge is only a matter between agency and its members
Agency cms will also do the 30 hours...easy to see why and none will have the option of offering will be a must
All Las where there is an agency in the making will be involved for obvious easy for them!

So much to find out and again thanks to those keeping us informed :thumbsup:

14-01-2016, 12:08 PM
Had a couple of interesting conversations regarding this meeting today. A very interesting one was from a fairly new CM (registered in Sep) she actually did her training via @homechildcare and was told the agency was being set up but decided to go it alone. She did say that a few CMs on her course were waiting for the agency to be up and running as that was the route they wanted to go down. The draw does seem to be the support they offer. There's a lot of chatter and interest in this, all of the local CMs are very aware of this agency and the meeting and I'm attending with 5 other CMs who just want to be in the know

16-01-2016, 09:10 AM
Natlou....Look forward to hearing the result of the @HomeChildcare agency meeting...very much so!

22-01-2016, 12:22 PM
@home childcare have asked us to email in our questions in advance - so that they can be grouped together to be answered - complete ***** , they want to avoid being put on the spot!

One question I have will probably not be answered directly by the agency , its more for OBC or similar. It relates to complaints.
As an ofsted registered / regulated childminder if Ofsted receive a complaint they will investigate and I may or may not keep my registration. What will ofsted do if they receive a complaint about an agency registered cm? nothing? pass the information to the agency? What do the agency have to do in this case? And if the complaint is a safeguarding issue , such that an agency takes the cm off their books what is to stop them simply registering with another agency or even Ofsted. Surely there is a major child protection issue here?

Another question I have..if as a cm I no longer wish to be part of the agency , how long will it take me to register with Ofsted? The same time as a newly registering cm? If so I could be out of work for 6 months or more! If I was dissatisfied , although on paper I wouldn't be tied to the agency the reality is that moving away is a major hurdle.

22-01-2016, 01:01 PM
Ofsted are setting up 'Scrutiny committees' to deal with complaints at the 3 stages....they include providers from the sector.

The committees at the moment only have nurseries as representatives.

At OBC I did ask Ofsted if these committees 'include cms'....that question was answered with 'we don't know' and a discussion followed...hopefully that will be in the feedback from the London OBC

I pointed out that nurseries will have support when raising a complaint as will those cms who belong to an association....but those Cms not members of one will be on their own.
There was a CEO of one of these associations present at OBC

Scrutiny Committees are being set up in each Ofsted area and many in OBC are part of them...but no cms as yet.

So we await for this to be looked at by Ofsted itself.

Yes ...a cm in an agency can register with Ofsted and that is in the Framework which came out a while back...that will probably be reflected in their contract and notice required to be given if they want to leave.

I also understand form the guidance that cms can register with more than one agency...not just one...please check this out.
The Safeguarding issue is one the agency will deal with in their support for cms...the agency itself will be deemed 'Effective or Ineffective' in their inspection in supporting Safeguarding....please check the guidance for this too.

Lots to be clarified but look at the guidance we have and I am sure things will change again as was the grading we expected of agencies...that is not applicable as they will not be graded.

You are correct they want questions in advance...when we met we asked questions on the spot and got few answers in fact cms here were much more informed on the whole issue

Good luck!

22-01-2016, 01:07 PM
If I understand correctly simona the scrutiny committees relate to complaints by providers against ofsted . I was referring to complaints received about a provider , especially where the complaint is of a safeguarding nature.

22-01-2016, 01:15 PM
My apologies

I don't have the guidance in front of me but it should be in there and should deal with a complaint against an agency cm...does it not say all complaints are referred back to the agency itself? I am going from memory but a good question to ask.

I mentioned the Scrutiny committees by mistake as I misunderstood...hopefully cms now know and are aware they are in the making and will know what they are for.

22-01-2016, 01:29 PM
Ofsted are setting up 'Scrutiny committees' to deal with complaints at the 3 stages....they include providers from the sector.

The committees at the moment only have nurseries as representatives.

At OBC I did ask Ofsted if these committees 'include cms'....that question was answered with 'we don't know' and a discussion followed...hopefully that will be in the feedback from the London OBC

I have been invited to take part in our NW scrutiny committee.

Unfortunately it was on a day when I couldn't attend due to being needed in ratios here - but if I can do it in the future I will.

The nursery owner who did it is the lead on our OBC group and her feedback was very positive :D

22-01-2016, 01:44 PM
I have been invited to take part in our NW scrutiny committee.

Unfortunately it was on a day when I couldn't attend due to being needed in ratios here - but if I can do it in the future I will.

The nursery owner who did it is the lead on our OBC group and her feedback was very positive :D

Thanks Sarah...there is a flurry of activities within the OBC teams and I know they will be meeting in the near future.
Jenny and many other nursery leads in the OBC are part of this....yes the feedback we have received is very positive

That is something that is bound to happen with cms....many cannot attend due to commitments but good for Ofsted to realise that cms must be included in these scrutiny committees....let's hope that will soon change and we have equal representation in every area

I will continue to flag it up so we have equal representation

22-01-2016, 01:58 PM
If I understand correctly simona the scrutiny committees relate to complaints by providers against ofsted . I was referring to complaints received about a provider , especially where the complaint is of a safeguarding nature.

It is a Scrutiny Panel. As I understood from the BOC meeting the Panel meetings take place in every area and a complaint will be heard by a Panel in a different area to where the complaint is made if that makes sense.?

The question was asked if any cm were on these panels and the answer was they didn't know but would look into it but it didn't really matter anyway!

The reason given for this was that once a Complaint (Panels are for Complaints made against providers as well as Ofsted and I assume in time Agencies because they will be registered with Ofsted. ) reaches a Level 3 it has already been investigated by Ofsted, the Panels job is not to investigate but to make sure that the decision and how it was reached was far and factually correct in the way the conclusion was reached. It wasn't felt that it mattered which area of Early Years a practitioner on the panel therefore came from because they were vetting a process not deciding it.

Does that make sense?

22-01-2016, 02:07 PM
Yes RS...that was the question I asked at OBC as you were there and Ofsted were not we await a reply

Ofsted I believe will look into this...does it matter?...I think so and it will matter to many cms.

The Panels are being set up at this very moment...apologies I called them Committees...and nothing is final so let's keep this on the agenda.
Sarah was invited to be on her area Panel...that is very good....that means there is room for cms to be in every area....I see no reason why that should not be so.

22-01-2016, 02:15 PM
Thanks RS and Simona.

My main concern here is that as an independent cm we could ( and should!) be unable to continue minding in the event of an upheld serious complaint.
An agency cm may just be removed or ''sacked'' ( wrong word , I know theyre not employed!) by the agency - and simply go on to join another , putting children at risk.

22-01-2016, 02:24 PM
Thanks RS and Simona.

My main concern here is that as an independent cm we could ( and should!) be unable to continue minding in the event of an upheld serious complaint.
An agency cm may just be removed or ''sacked'' ( wrong word , I know theyre not employed!) by the agency - and simply go on to join another , putting children at risk.

I think your question is answered on page 27 of the Agency check I have got it right

Take this guidance with you for your meeting and good luck.

23-01-2016, 10:41 AM
Mama2three...I have just remembered that the second meeting with 4 Children ...which was very formal with the LA present as well taking minutes too...we also had to send questions in advance.

many cms did ....funny enough my question was not included on their list but we were allowed to ask any questions that we felt had not been covered at the end.

These meetings ...or anything similar all have the same system...even the Twitter Q&A needed tweets sent in they can prepare themselves and the answers..

Hope this helps!

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