Chatterbox Childcare
08-02-2015, 05:54 PM
Starts at 43 mins - Politics Show today
BBC iPlayer - Sunday Politics South - 08/02/2015 (
lollipop kid
08-02-2015, 06:37 PM
Starts at 43 mins - Politics Show today
BBC iPlayer - Sunday Politics South - 08/02/2015 (
I watched this and you came across brilliantly. Well done you. And weren't your kids really good?
I also thought your setting was terrific.
(Can't say the same for Sam G.) :laughing:
08-02-2015, 07:03 PM
Well done you! The children were fab too :clapping:
Chatterbox Childcare
08-02-2015, 07:57 PM
I am very proud of the children, they were so excited about being filmed.
Trio were mentioned and if this link works it shows the prices given so far and if you click on the bronze, silver and gold it explains what is included for the money.
Annual Subscriptions/Renewals (
08-02-2015, 08:15 PM
I am very proud of the children, they were so excited about being filmed.
Trio were mentioned and if this link works it shows the prices given so far and if you click on the bronze, silver and gold it explains what is included for the money.
Annual Subscriptions/Renewals (
But, I believe those membership levels with Trio are not to do with joining their 'CM Agency' where you up your independent Ofsted registrations? It is just a general membership scheme to get some training, paperwork templates, helpline and shop discount?
Just want to check in case any mistake these as CM Agency prices (as that is also part of this thread)... have I got that right?
08-02-2015, 09:28 PM
Well done Debbie :clapping:
Unfortunately it seems ministers themselves are unaware that agencies will not necessarily reduce the paperwork burden on childminders - observations etc cannot be done by the agency and that is where the bulk of our paperwork actually lies.
Accounts can be sent to a book keeper and or accountant, everything else, training, cpd, first aid, learning journeys, obs, and accident/incident forms still can't be done by someone else because of joining an agency can they?!
Chatterbox Childcare
08-02-2015, 10:03 PM
But, I believe those membership levels with Trio are not to do with joining their 'CM Agency' where you up your independent Ofsted registrations? It is just a general membership scheme to get some training, paperwork templates, helpline and shop discount?
Just want to check in case any mistake these as CM Agency prices (as that is also part of this thread)... have I got that right?
I haven't heard anything yet about any other rates. Will feed back if something comes forward. I am talking with them this week.
08-02-2015, 10:18 PM
Well done :). But I'm annoyed that they are still spouting off about US being flexible. Most CMs I know have family of their own. When do they get time with their own kids as a family?
Well done Chatterbox. Sam G is my local MP -I worry about his opinions. I don't understand what paperwork burden they think they would take from individuals and give to the agency?
lollipop kid
09-02-2015, 04:21 AM
Well done Chatterbox. Sam G is my local MP -I worry about his opinions. I don't understand what paperwork burden they think they would take from individuals and give to the agency?
Have you thought of asking for a meeting with him (as he's your local MP) and showing him the kind of paperwork involved in childminding?
(If he was my MP, I don't think I could resist!) :D
09-02-2015, 08:44 AM
Thanks for sharing the link CC
I am absolutely fuming after that...and I hope that CMs will join me and.... the others already complaining about this thing is talking about agencies the other is making a very unfair playing field for Independent CMs...this was absolutely the intention
Trio Childcare are out of for Sam heart sinks every time I listen to his waffle
Chatterbox Childcare
09-02-2015, 09:30 PM
Thanks for sharing the link CC
I am absolutely fuming after that...and I hope that CMs will join me and.... the others already complaining about this thing is talking about agencies the other is making a very unfair playing field for Independent CMs...this was absolutely the intention
Trio Childcare are out of for Sam heart sinks every time I listen to his waffle
Sorry Simona - what have Trio done exactly that is so wrong? Julia states quite clearly that she is only becoming an agency because there needs to be one out there who understands both childminders and what quality is?
Not sure why you are attacking them verbally.
09-02-2015, 10:58 PM
Sorry Simona - what have Trio done exactly that is so wrong? Julia states quite clearly that she is only becoming an agency because there needs to be one out there who understands both childminders and what quality is?
Not sure why you are attacking them verbally.
I understand that Trio offer good support to cms in your why do they have to become an agency if cms are happy with that?
I am not happy with the way the programme flagged up agencies but not enough said on how good and efficient cms are at running their own business, sorting paperwork and getting support training where available if not from their LA.
Do we need an agency to understand cms and quality? Not in my view because our grades at inspections are very good from what Ofsted reports tell us.
both cms and parents have a choice...that was not on offer in the programme
I was, am and will always be against agencies...I believe the vast majority of cms are against agencies....are we now to accept them....I am puzzled as to why I am attacking them?
I would have thought it was obvious why....deregulation, loss of individual inspection and someone running cms business
there has been a lot written about that programme which I am sure you have seen
last but not least Gyimah mentioned pacey...there are 2 other cms associations very much against agencies...I would have liked them to be interviewed as well.
Chatterbox Childcare
10-02-2015, 09:42 AM
I understand that Trio offer good support to cms in your why do they have to become an agency if cms are happy with that?
I am not happy with the way the programme flagged up agencies but not enough said on how good and efficient cms are at running their own business, sorting paperwork and getting support training where available if not from their LA.
Do we need an agency to understand cms and quality? Not in my view because our grades at inspections are very good from what Ofsted reports tell us.
both cms and parents have a choice...that was not on offer in the programme
I was, am and will always be against agencies...I believe the vast majority of cms are against agencies....are we now to accept them....I am puzzled as to why I am attacking them?
I would have thought it was obvious why....deregulation, loss of individual inspection and someone running cms business
there has been a lot written about that programme which I am sure you have seen
last but not least Gyimah mentioned pacey...there are 2 other cms associations very much against agencies...I would have liked them to be interviewed as well.
Trio did not particularly want to become an agency but there doing so because they believe in quality childcare and want to see an agency, if going ahead, run to the benefit of childminders. I know you don't believe in agencies but there are people who do (I never will be one of them though). I help a lot of new people start and some of them want policies written for them, risk assessment templates, training organised etc.. Whilst agencies provide choice, Trio are trying to give that with a quality aspect. No one needs to "attack" them as you have the choice.
I think that the programme was not about paperwork and what we do and independence it was about are agencies going to work and are they in fact needed and wanted?
To question why just Pacey when there are other organisations - I believe it is because Pacey are at the forefront and as a known body working with the Government, whereas others are not. I know there are others out there but where do we see them?
10-02-2015, 10:15 AM
Trio did not particularly want to become an agency but there doing so because they believe in quality childcare and want to see an agency, if going ahead, run to the benefit of childminders. I know you don't believe in agencies but there are people who do (I never will be one of them though). I help a lot of new people start and some of them want policies written for them, risk assessment templates, training organised etc.. Whilst agencies provide choice, Trio are trying to give that with a quality aspect. No one needs to "attack" them as you have the choice.
I think that the programme was not about paperwork and what we do and independence it was about are agencies going to work and are they in fact needed and wanted?
To question why just Pacey when there are other organisations - I believe it is because Pacey are at the forefront and as a known body working with the Government, whereas others are not. I know there are others out there but where do we see them?
It is good to debate this CC...I believe there is an alternative to agencies for cms as I believe there is a very serious reason why govt and Ofsted want them.
I do know about the other 2 associations that represent cms...I also know they are extremely active in the agency issue and I personally communicate with them regularly as do other cms....there are plenty of articles from them on the issue of agencies...both are part of OBC...both met Truss et al and both raise pertinent concerns on agencies.
Chatterbox Childcare
10-02-2015, 08:29 PM
It is good to debate this CC...I believe there is an alternative to agencies for cms as I believe there is a very serious reason why govt and Ofsted want them.
I do know about the other 2 associations that represent cms...I also know they are extremely active in the agency issue and I personally communicate with them regularly as do other cms....there are plenty of articles from them on the issue of agencies...both are part of OBC...both met Truss et al and both raise pertinent concerns on agencies.
I agree with you about agencies - who wants them? umm very few...
10-02-2015, 09:29 PM
I agree with you about agencies - who wants them? umm very few...
Let's hope cms retain their nerve and say no...we do not need them and can run successful businesses.
Spare a thought for cms in my area...we have 2 potential agencies coming up...our hands are full! roll on our meeting in 2 weeks' time!
Have you thought of asking for a meeting with him (as he's your local MP) and showing him the kind of paperwork involved in childminding? (If he was my MP, I don't think I could resist!) :D L I have emailed suggesting that I am happy to be involved in any research purposes for him to understand a childminders point of view.
12-02-2015, 11:20 PM
I have emailed suggesting that I am happy to be involved in any research purposes for him to understand a childminders point of view.
Sam Gyimah has been very busy recently visiting many nurseries and advertisiting this on Twitter
I wonder how many cms settings he has visited or intends to visit in the near future?
Will he end up being another Truss who said she visited many but ended up being a handful?
14-02-2015, 10:16 AM
As has Nicky visiting so many schools and advertising it at every opportunity.
I don't think I have ever heard her mention cms?
Strange that Morgan rarely mentions EY. either...does she know we are part of the education mob and under her dept?
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